McDonalds In Crisis As Toxic Salad Ingredients Leave Hundreds Seriously Ill

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McDonalds has been forced to stop selling salads in 3,000 restaurants across 14 states after hundreds of people were made ill.

McDonalds Corporation, the world’s leading dealer of GMOs and Frankenfoods, has been forced to stop selling salads in 3,000 restaurants across 14 states after hundreds of people were made ill by two separate cyclospora outbreaks, according to federal health officials. 

Currently, 163 (up from 61 last week) people in 10 states have been made seriously ill by McDonalds salads, including three hospitalizations.

The FDA is currently working with McDonald’s to find which salad ingredients are making people sick and then to trace them through the supply chain.

According to CNN:

As a precaution, McDonald’s has stopped selling the salads in 3,000 fast food restaurants in 14 states to try to contain the outbreak, the FDA said. The states are Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana, North Dakota, Kentucky, West Virginia and Missouri.

Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 237 cases of cyclosporiasis in people who reportedly consumed Del Monte Fresh vegetable trays containing broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and dill dip. The reports came from four states, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa. Seven people were hospitalized and no deaths were reported.

According to the CDC, the cyclospora parasite causes intestinal illness as a result of consuming contaminated food or water. Symptoms, which can start a week or more after consuming the parasite, can include diarrhea and frequent, sometimes explosive bowel movements. Infected individuals might experience loss of appetite, weight loss, stomach cramps or pain, nausea, gas, and fatigue as well as vomiting, headache, fever, body aches and flu-like symptoms.

The illness can last from a few days to a few months and it’s possible that once someone begins to feel better they might get worse again.

McDonalds recently launched a PR campaign called “Our Food, Your Questions” to reassure customers that their Frankenfoods are safe for human consumption. Unfortunately for McDonalds, their campaign backfired spectacularly.

While the company still denies they use “pink slime” in their burgers, they were forced to admit using some highly questionable “ingredients” that would be more at home in a science experiment than on the dinner plate of a growing child.

During the “Our Food, Your Questions” campaign, McDonalds admitted to using the chemical additive azodicarbonamide in their burger buns, which is the exact same substance found in yoga mats.

Naturally, the world’s leading Frankenfoods dealer insisted that adding rubber to food is quite safe. According to McDonalds:

“There are varied uses for azodicarbonamide, including in some non-food products, such as yoga mats. As a result, some people have suggested our food contains rubber or plastic, or that the ingredient is unsafe. Think of salt: the salt you use in your food at home is a variation of the salt you may use to de-ice your sidewalk. The same is true of ADA — it can be used in different ways.”


Many people also have a soft spot for McDonalds French Fries. They are just potatoes, oil and salt, right? Wrong.

French Fries are actually comprised of 19 shocking ingredients. The staple side dish is basically a laboratory experiment in creating an item that looks and tastes like a potato product but is actually a chemically engineered concoction of GMOs, trans fats, chemical stabilisers, preservatives, wheat, milk, and beef derivatives, as well as poisonous additives derived from petroleum and silicone.

Future generations will look back at McDonalds with horror. They will be astonished that the multinational corporation was allowed by the FDA to perform what is essentially a sick and twisted science experiment on the world’s population, damaging the health of millions of unsuspecting people in the process. McDonalds aim their advertising squarely at children and adolescents, trying to hook them on their chemical-laden addictive products while they are young and vulnerable – and all in the name of profit over all else.

According to an Associated Press review of the corporation’s regulatory filings, McDonalds closed over 700 stores last year and suffered an 11 percent decrease in revenue and 30 percent drop in profit. For corporations the size of McDonalds, operating on slim profit margins, falls in profit of 2 to 3 percent can have enormous ramifications. 30 percent? We are talking irreversible terminal decline, according to industry experts.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.