McDonalds In Crisis As Dangerous Burger ‘Ingredients’ Revealed

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McDonalds Corporation have been forced to admit they use rubber in their burgers and 19 dangerous, unnatural ingredients in French Fries.

We all know that eating processed and fast foods is harmful to our general health. McDonalds Corporation, the leading dealer of GMOs and Frankenfoods in the world, has suffered a major downturn in revenue in recent years thanks to a global awakening regarding the dangers of toxic, commercially processed “food.”

However many health conscious people retain a soft spot for McDonalds burgers. ‘Burgers are just made of beef, salad ingredients and bread, right?’ they say. Wrong. These people could not be further away from the truth.

McDonalds recently launched a PR campaign called “Our Food, Your Questions” to reassure customers that their Frankenfoods are safe for human consumption. Unfortunately for McDonalds, their campaign backfired spectacularly.

While the company still denies they use “pink slime” in their burgers, they were forced to admit using some highly questionable “ingredients” that would be more at home in a science experiment than on the dinner plate of a growing child.

During the “Our Food, Your Questions” campaign, McDonalds admitted to using the chemical additive azodicarbonamide in their burger buns, which is the exact same substance found in yoga mats.

Naturally, the world’s leading Frankenfoods dealer insisted that adding rubber to food is quite safe. According to McDonalds:

There are varied uses for azodicarbonamide, including in some non-food products, such as yoga mats. As a result, some people have suggested our food contains rubber or plastic, or that the ingredient is unsafe. Think of salt: the salt you use in your food at home is a variation of the salt you may use to de-ice your sidewalk. The same is true of ADA — it can be used in different ways.


Many people also have a soft spot for McDonalds French Fries. They are just potatoes, oil and salt, right? Wrong.

French Fries are actually comprised of 19 shocking ingredients. The staple side dish is basically a laboratory experiment in creating an item that looks and tastes like a potato product but is actually a chemically engineered concoction of GMOs, trans fats, chemical stabilisers, preservatives, wheat, milk, and beef derivatives, as well as poisonous additives derived from petroleum and silicone.

Grant Imahara, of Mythbusters fame, visited the McDonald’s fry factory to find out the truth about McDonalds French Fries. During the process, the Mythbusters man “reverse-engineered” McDonald’s fries and the results showed that they are made up of many harmful ingredients. The ingredients are as follows:

  • Soybean oil
  • Canola oil
  • Hydrogenated oil
  • Dextrose
  • Citric acid
  • Potatoes
  • Salt
  • Hydrolyzed wheat
  • Tertiary butylhydroquionone
  • Sodium acid pyrophosphate
  • Dimethylpolysiloxane
  • Natural beef flavor
  • Hydrolyzed milk
  • Hydrogenated soybean oil

The three worst offenders found on this list of Frankenfood recipe ingredients are TBHQ, dinethylpolysilioxane and hydrogenated soybean oil.

Tertiary butylhydroquionone, or THBQ, is a type of phenol used in the foods in order to prevent deterioration of food. It is also used in substances such as perfumes and bio-diesel.

Hydrogenated soybean oil – People who consume it on regular basis can expect many, many unhealthy effects. According to the Women’s Hospital in Boston and the research conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health and the Brigham Young University, showed that at least 100,000 cardiac deaths in America every year could be prevented if people replaced trans fats with healthier non hydrogenated polyunsaturated or life-giving mono-saturated oils.

Dimethylpolysiloxane – a compound that is most commonly used in hair conditioners, silly putty and in aquarium tank sealants. However Dimethylpolysiloxane dealers also receive orders from McDonalds Corporation. This hazardous compound can even contain formaldehyde, a well-known toxic chemical that has been linked to cancer, allergies, brain damage, and autoimmune disorders.

Future generations will look back at McDonalds with horror. They will be astonished that the multinational corporation was allowed by the FDA to perform what is essentially a sick and twisted science experiment on the world’s population, damaging the health of millions of unsuspecting people in the process. McDonalds aim their advertising squarely at children and adolescents, trying to hook them on their chemical-laden addictive products while they are young and vulnerable – and all in the name of profit over all else.

According to an Associated Press review of the corporation’s regulatory filings, McDonalds closed over 700 stores last year and suffered an 11 percent decrease in revenue and 30 percent drop in profit. For corporations the size of McDonalds, operating on slim profit margins, falls in profit of 2 to 3 percent can have enormous ramifications. 30 percent? We are talking irreversible terminal decline, according to industry experts.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.