Obama’s New Ebola ‘Czar’ Does Not Have Medical,Health Care Background

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Obama’s New Ebola ‘Czar’ Does Not Have Medical,Health Care Background

President Barack Obama will appoint Ron Klain his Ebola czar even though he does not have a background in medical, health care…

Rep Andy Harris MD pointed out on twitter: “Worst ebola epidemic in world history and Pres. Obama puts a government bureaucrat with no healthcare experience in charge. Is he serious?”

CNN first broke the news that Klain would be named to the point-person job dealing with the United States’ new exposure to the Ebola virus.

The decision suggests that the White House is more interested in putting out political fires and protecting the president than in coordinating the government’s public health infrastructure in a time of crisis, reports the Mail Online

CNN reported:- The president on Thursday signaled his openness to the idea to have one individual coordinating the entire federal response to any threat of an outbreak in the United States.

“It may make sense for us to have one person … so that after this initial surge of activity, we can have a more regular process just to make sure that we’re crossing all the T’s and dotting all the I’s going forward,” Obama said.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest got a little more specific with reporters after the announcement was made Friday.

“I think what you can assume Mr. Klain’s role will be is an important, high-level implementation role,” said Earnest. “Ultimately, it will be his responsibility to make sure that all the government agencies who are responsible for aspects of this response, that their efforts are carefully integrated. He will also be playing a role in making sure the decisions get made.”

Facing renewed criticism of his handling of the Ebola risk, Obama will make Ron Klain, a former chief of staff to Vice President Joe Biden, his point man on fighting Ebola at home and in West Africa reports  CBS, Klain will report to national security adviser Susan Rice and to homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco, the White House said.

Klain does not have a medical or a health care background.

Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md., slammed the decision on Twitter.

“Worst ebola epidemic in world history and Pres. Obama puts a government bureaucrat with no healthcare experience in charge. Is he serious?” Harris tweeted.

However, New York Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer praised the White House for its decision.

‘I’ve known Ron Klain for over twenty years, Schumer told CBS News in a statement. ‘He is smart, aggressive, and levelheaded; exactly the qualities we need in a czar to steer our response to Ebola. He is an excellent choice.

It remains to be seen how the newly appointed ‘Ebola czar’ will perform in his new role.


Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.