Over 100 Dr’s Sign Open Letter To PM About ‘Grave’ Concerns Over Gov’ts Handling Of Pandemic

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

More than a hundred brave doctors, nurses and other health professionals signed an open letter to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Sunday calling for an “open and proper scientific debate” about the pandemic policy

They argue that the government removed people’s fundamental rights using covid restrictions that were based on ‘flawed assumptions’. The say they can no longer ‘stand by in silence observing policies which have imposed a series of supposed “cures” which are in fact far worse than the disease they are supposed to address’.

They also accuse the government of exaggerating the nature of the covid threat, saying that the the role of asymptomatic spread has been overplayed and used to promote public compliance with the restrictions.

In the letter they also point out that they face personal risk in relation to their employment for speaking out and also risk being personally “smeared” by those who do not like what they have to say.

The Express reports: A hundred and thirty three doctors, nurses, psychiatrists paramedics and midwives signed the letter released today which states that despite a “complete lack of widespread approval among health professionals,” of the pandemic policies, “no attempt” has been made to measure the harms of lockdown policies. The letter, also addressed to the Health Secretary and First Ministers for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland states: “You have failed to engage in dialogue and show no signs of doing so. You have removed from people fundamental rights and altered the fabric of society with little debate in Parliament.”

The signatories, from a broad range of specialities, came forward despite the risk of doing so to both their jobs and reputations.

Founding signatory Dr Ros Jones, a retired paediatric consultant said: “We wrote the letter as a group of healthcare professionals, connected only by our deep concern and shared commitment to “first do no harm.”

We can no longer stand by in silence. We are not the first group of medically and scientifically qualified professionals to write in such terms to the Government. In March, 22 eminent scientists publicly called for drastic policy change. We sincerely hope we will be the last who feel the need to write such a letter.”

Dr Alan Mordue, another founding signatory said: “To move forward now our governments urgently need to facilitate a wider and open debate within the medical and scientific community, for the short term as we lift restrictions, and the longer term to improve how we manage winter respiratory viruses and pandemics in the future.”

Concerns voiced in the letter include accusations that no Minister responsible for policy “has engaged in an open and full discussion of alternative ways of managing the pandemic,” despite being aware of other medical and scientific viewpoints. 

It adds the pandemic response policies have caused “significant, permanent and unnecessary harm” to the UK and “must never be repeated.”

The letter focuses on 10 areas where the UK’s approach to COVID failed. It argues the nature of the covid threat has been exaggerated, it claims the use of behavioural science to generate fear was “inappropriate and unethical” and it argues the role of asymptomatic spread has been overplayed and used to promote public compliance with restrictions.

Finally it states that restrictions have been imposed with an overreliance on modelling data whilst ignoring real world data. 

The signatories called for a “sea change within the Government “which must now pay proper attention to those esteemed experts outside its inner circle who are sounding these alarms.”

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.