Why Wouldn’t Pfizer Distribute Its Covid Jabs To Countries Which Refused To Grant Indemnity?

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

Why did big pharma giant Pfizer refuse to distribute its covid jabs in countries which wouldn’t grant indemnity from liability?

As in many other countries, the UK government did grant Pfizer legal indemnity protecting it from being sued as a result of any problems with the vaccine. However, Pfizer’s UK managing director also refused to explain why the company needed protection from legal action.

In a video, that appears to be from January this year, World Bank President David Malpass explains why Pfizer has been “hesitant” to distribute its jabs in countries which refuse to grant a legal indemnity for adverse events.

According to Malpass: “The immediate problem is indemnification. Pfizer has been hesitant to go into some of the countries because of the liability problems, they don’t have a liability shield. So we work with the countries to try to do that. But I think also some of the other vaccine manufacturers may be able to go into countries because they’re operating through subsidiaries. This is all something that we’re exploring, and our goal, my goal, is to have vaccines available throughout the developing world based on what their countries decide. We’ve got financing available but the countries need to choose systems and then begin buying or receiving the vaccines.

Daily Sceptic reports: If Pfizer is so confident that its vaccine has been proven safe in rigorous trials, why is it unwilling to take responsibility for any problems? And if it is unwilling to take the risk with its own product, how is that going to persuade the vaccine-hesitant to take the risk themselves? The Pfizer vaccine has been linked with 388,618 adverse events in the UK to date, including 628 deaths. Taiwan has halted its use in teenagers due to concerns about the risk of myocarditis. Yet a cloak of secrecy has been thrown over the approvals process and the company has come under fire for “war profiteering” by making huge profits during the pandemic.

Pharmaceutical companies are profit-driven entities and rules on transparency and liability exist to keep them honest and ensure only safe, effective drugs are provided to the public. It may turn out to be a big mistake to have allowed them to avoid this scrutiny and accountability just because many were desperate for a medical way out of the pandemic.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15207 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.