Video: Planned Parenthood Doc Says She ‘Breaks Baby’s Necks’ If Born Alive

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A Planned Parenthood abortionist in Minnesota admitted she usually "breaks the baby's neck" if a baby comes out alive during a late-term abortion procedure. 

A Planned Parenthood abortionist in Minnesota admitted she usually “breaks the baby’s neck” if a baby comes out alive during a late-term abortion procedure. 

The abortionist’s shocking admission to a late-term abortion patient is back in the spotlight after Democrats in Congress repeatedly blocked bills to protect newborn babies from infanticide.

The unnamed patient shared her horrifying experience in a video interview with Pro-Life Action Ministries. She was 22 weeks pregnant when she went to a Planned Parenthood clinic in St. Paul, Minnesota for an abortion in 2017, but she said she chose life after hearing what the abortionists would do to her son if he came out alive.

The woman said she asked the two abortionists, “If you guys were to take him out right now while he’s still, his heart rate is still, you know, going, what would you guys do?

She said one of the abortionists looked at the other one, then looked back at her, “and she told me that we don’t tell women this, and a lot of women don’t even ask this question, but if we was to proceed with the abortion and the baby was to come out still alive and active, most likely we would break the baby’s neck.

This would be a clear violation of Minnesota’s “Born Alive Infants Protection Act,” which requires that, “All reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice . . .   shall be taken . . . . to preserve the life and health of the born alive infant.

LifeNews reports:

In the video, the woman described how she initially went through with the abortion. She said the abortionist used a long needle to inject digoxin to stop the baby’s heart, but the baby survived.

The woman said she had a change of heart following the injection, after reading information given to her by Pro-Life Action Ministries’ sidewalk counselors. That information included the story of another woman who changed her mind in the midst of a late-term abortion and gave birth to a healthy baby.

The woman said she requested an ultrasound on the second day to see if her baby was still alive. When it revealed that he was and she learned what the abortionists would do if he was born alive, the woman said she demanded that the dilators be removed so that she could go home and keep her baby.

“The more I was telling them no, it was more like they were trying to sell me something, like a seller that pushes you and pushes you until you buy their item or their product. That’s how it felt, as if they were trying to sell me this abortion,” she said.

Her baby later was born full-term and healthy, according to the pro-life ministry. Her identity was concealed so that she will not be subject to retaliation by Planned Parenthood.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.