Poll: 47% Americans Believe Democrats ‘Likely’ Stole Election

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47 percent of Americans believe Democrats stole the election, according to new poll

A surprising number of Americans believe the 2020 election was likely stolen by Democrats.

According to a recent Rasmussen poll, only 50 percent of likely voters believe the 2020 election was legitimate, while 47 percent said it is likely Democrats stole the election.

Breitbart.com reports: “How likely is it,” Rasmussen asked 1,000 likely voters between November 17-18, “that Democrats stole votes or destroyed pro-Trump ballots in several states to ensure Biden would win?”

Only 50 percent said it was not likely, while a whopping 47 percent said it was likely.

Not at all likely: 41 percent.

Not very likely: 9 percent.

Somewhat likely: 11 percent.

Very likely: 36 percent.

There’s another way to look at this… only 41 percent are certain the election was not stolen from Trump.

The partisan breakdown is not exactly what I expected with 75 percent of Republicans — 75 percent! — saying it is very (61 percent) or somewhat (14 percent) likely the election was stolen.

Get this… 30 percent of Democrats — Democrats! — say it is very (20 percent) or somewhat (10 percent) likely the election was stolen from Trump.

Of course 69 percent of Democrats say it is not at all (61 percent) or not very (8 percent) likely the election was stolen from Trump. Still, that 30 percent of Democrats who say it was stolen is pretty remarkable.

On the issue of whether Trump should concede, 61 percent say he should, while 33 percent say no.

Eighty-four percent of Democrats, 37 percent of Republicans, and 59 percent of unaffiliated voters say Trump should concede. But 57 percent of Republicans disagree, which mean they want him to keep up the fight.

When asked the all-important question of whether “your friends and neighbors think Trump should concede,” only 51 percent say yes, while 30 percent say no — 18 percent are unsure.

The reason the “friends and neighbors” question is important is because America’s top pollsters believe that question is a more accurate reflection of the true intent of the person being surveyed. Now that we live in an increasingly fascist country where roving bands of left-wing Brownshirts will either get you fired, or blacklist you, or physically assault you for supporting Trump,  people have become shy about telling pollsters the truth of their Trump support. So…

Let me repeat this…

Only 51 percent say Trump should concede. 


Democrats and their media minions are losing the public relations battle, and losing it badly.

Someone still needs to explain to me why four deep blue cities — Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Milwaukee all of a sudden stopped counting when Trump was in the lead. Never in my life have I seen the counting stopped like that. And when the counting restarted, Will you look at all those Biden votes!

Brother, that stinks to high heaven, and until I hear an explanation that makes sense — No, no… You know what, there is no explanation that would ever make sense of that. So until the votes in those states are audited in detail with transparency, I will never completely accept the outcome of a Biden victory.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15163 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.