Pope Francis Declares ‘Pedophiles Have a Special Place in Heaven’

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
Pope Francis has scandalized victims of sexual abuse by declaring that pedophilia is a mysterious illness and we must not judge those who are suffering from it.

Pope Francis has scandalized victims of sexual abuse by declaring that pedophilia is a mysterious illness and we must not judge those who are suffering from it. Instead, according to the pope, we must accept that God loves pedophiles, he created them for a reason, and he has reserved a special place in heaven for them.

According to Francis, we must accept pedophiles because they have existed throughout history, in all cultures and societies. “Sexual abuse of minors is, and historically has been, a widespread phenomenon in all cultures and societies,” he said. “I am reminded of the cruel religious practice, once widespread in certain cultures, of sacrificing human beings – frequently children – in pagan rites.”

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Pope Francis’ statements have scandalized victims of clerical sex abuse, and understandably so. Activists for survivors of clerical sexual abuse have reacted furiously after Pope Francis refused to promise a “zero tolerance” approach to pedophile priests and the bishops who cover up their crimes as he closed a summit at the Vatican.


But should we really be surprised by Francis’s position?

This is the Pope who takes every opportunity to declare the Bible is wrong, after all. He kicked off his papacy by declaring evolution and the big bang theory were real.

This is the pope who informed his flock that “relationships with Jesus are dangerous and harmful.” Breaking with centuries of Christian tradition, Pope Francis sparked fears that he is an illegitimate pope with a sinister agenda when he told a crowd of 33,000 pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square in Rome that “a personal, direct, immediate relationship with Jesus Christ” must be avoided at all costs.

And as though that wasn’t disturbing enough, Francis followed up with the equally sinister proclamation that “Jesus is Satan.”

Pope Francis is a fully-paid up member of the globalist elite. And don’t forget – to the elite, bad is good.

As an Agenda Contributor at the World Economic Forum, Pope Francis is fluent in blasphemy and is actively working to subvert the church and Christianity in general.

Pope Francis’ inverted version of Christianity is confusing for many, however his agenda becomes much easier to understand when you realize who the pontiff is really serving. To quote French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, Pope Francis is a “globalist bulldog” who is loyal to the New World Order.

In 2017, Pope Francis called for a “one world government” and “political authority”, arguing that the creation of the one world government is needed to combat issues such as “climate change.” Speaking with Ecuador’s El Universo newspaper, the Pope said that the United Nations does not have enough power and must be granted full governmental control “for the good of humanity.”

This includes Americans, he stressed, who according to the pope must be ruled by a world government “for their own good.”

Now, Pope Francis is actively defying Biblical scripture by working to create a “one world religion.”

In 2019, Pope Francis signed a historic covenant with leaders of the world’s major faiths, pushing us much closer to a one-world religion, one of the major goals of the New World Order.

According to the document produced by Pope Francis and published on the Vatican’s official website, all religions must be considered equal, and Islam is as acceptable to God as Christianity.

He then shocked the Christian world by hosting Islamic prayers and Quran recitals in the Vatican.

Christians around the world should visit mosques and praise Allah, according to Pope Francis who led by example on his visit to Istanbul by entering the Blue Mosque, taking off his shoes, facing Mecca, and praising the Muslim god. 

As though he hadn’t already made it clear that he is not a man of God, Francis then hosted a pagan ceremony including brazen idol worship on Vatican grounds.

Only time will tell if Pope Francis’s depraved and corrupt vision of the future is accepted by Catholics around the world, but one thing’s for sure: traditional conservative Christians are not going down without a fight.

And nor should they.

The globalist elite have issued a series of chilling warnings to the people of the world: hand over your sovereignty and accept the New World Order, or face certain death. They claim that only by handing over our freedom and autonomy to the elite can we hope to avoid the catastrophes that are looming on the horizon.

This power-hungry cabal of billionaires and politicians has long plotted to enslave the masses, and now they think they have all their ducks lined up they are making their move.

But more and more people are refusing to submit to the global elite’s tyrannical demands. Brave men and women are rising up to fight back against the elite, determined to defend their sovereignty at any cost, determined to protect their families and most importantly, protect their children from the ravenous wolves.

Will you join them in the fight for freedom, or will you cower in fear and submit to the demands of the global elite? The choice is yours. But whatever you do, do not underestimate the consequences of your choices.

If you choose to stand up and fight, then welcome to the fold. I know at times it can feel dark and lonely, but the masses are waking up and the elite won’t be able to takeover as easily as they thought they could. Please like and subscribe to this channel so we can continue sharing the news that the mainstream do not dare to touch. Feel free to join the People’s Voice Locals community. The link is in the description box under this video. And please share this video with anyone you think is receptive to hearing the truth. Stay strong. We will win this fight.


Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.