RAF Airstrikes Deal A ‘Real Blow’ To Syrian Oil Field Already ‘Obliterated’

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

After MPs voted overwhelmingly for war on Wednesday night, the British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said that the first RAF airstrikes which struck an oilfield in Syria had dealt “a real blow” to the financing of ISIS.

However, a number of reports published in October suggest that the routes to the oilfield were already destroyed in airstrikes earlier in the year, suggesting the oilfield may not  have actually been in use. Some media reports even said that the oilfield had been completely obliterated.

Tom Pride reports:

On the 23rd of October, the UK press reported that Russian and US planes had completely “obliterated” the Omar oil field in Syria which is under the control of Daesh:

“The terrorists’ oil field in eastern Syria was obliterated in a day of bombing conducted by both Russia and the US-led coalition. US operations officer Major Michael Filanowski told reporters in Baghdad the Omar oil field was blitzed, heavily damaging the lucrative funding source for ISIS.”

But today the same press is reporting the same “obliterated” oil field was hit by UK airstrikes:

“Four Tornados took off from RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus just an hour after MPs voted in favour of launching airstrikes in the war-torn country. The jets struck targets in the Omar oil field in Eastern Syria, dealing a “real blow” to the death cult, also known as Daesh.

The first casualty of war is always the truth…

But then it wouldn’t come as a surprise if Cameron really is dropping bombs on targets already ‘obliterated’. Those weapons have to be paid for and that makes the British government’s friends in the military industrial complex very happy. In fact the share prices of Europe’s largest weapons manufacturers have all jumped following the UK decision to join the bombing campaign in Syria.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.