Slamming Anti-Porn Bill, Teacher Says Parents Not Qualified To Decide What Their Kids Learn

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

An Arizona teacher has claimed that parents have no right to decide what their children learn in school.

The teacher in question is also against a proposed bill that would allow schools to ban books that discuss sexuality and LGBTQ ideology.

During a Senate Education Committee hearing last week, the woke Arizona teacher claimed only she and others with “advanced degrees” were qualified to teach (i think she meant indoctrinate) children about sexuality.

She said: I have a Master’s degree, because when I got certified, I was told I had to have a Master’s degree to be an Arizona-certified teacher. We all have advanced degrees! What do the parents have? Are we vetting the background of our parents?”

The teacher then added “Are we allowing the parents to choose the curriculum and the books that our children are going to read? I think that it’s a mistake, and I’m just speaking from the heart.”

InfoWars reports: The educator then recited a quote, “‘We must remember that the purpose of public education is not to teach only what parents want their children to be taught, it is to teach them what society needs them to be taught.’”

In other words, reading, writing and arithmetic, the subjects parents overwhelmingly want their children to learn, is taking a backseat to what “society” wants to indoctrinate them with.

This may explain why reading, writing, and math scores have been plummeting in the U.S over the last several years.

The proposed bill, called S.B. 1700, would require the Arizona Board of Education to “maintain a list of books that public educational institutions may not use or make available to students, including books that are lewd or sexual, promote gender fluidity or gender pronouns or groom children into normalizing pedophilia.”

The philosophy that children don’t belong to parents is a key feature of the modern Democrat Party.

Pushing back against parents angry by CRT and LGBTQ material being taught in class, Joe Biden proclaimed last year that children belong to teachers when “they’re in the classroom.”

“They’re all our children. And the reason you’re the teachers of the year is because you recognize that. They’re not somebody else’s children. They’re like yours when they’re in the classroom,” he said.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.