Snopes Debunked: Caught Lying For Hillary, YET AGAIN – YourNewsWire Vindicated

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
"Fact checking" website Snopes has been caught lying for Hillary Clinton yet again, proving that it has a political and partisan agenda.

“Fact checking” website Snopes has been caught in yet another lie, proving that it has a political and partisan agenda and it is willing to mislead and deceive its readers in order to advance leftist political candidates and causes.

In October 2016, Snopes attempted to “debunk” the news that the New York Times had colluded with Hillary Clinton’s campaign by warning them in advance about potentially negative stories that were about to be published.

An email circulated among Clinton campaign staffers revealed how, “The NYT (Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman) reached out this morning to tell us that they are aware of a meeting HRC had with Senator Warren at her house back in December. They plan to write imminently, so wanted everyone to be aware that this could pop soon.

Alternative news outlets including YourNewsWire responded to this leaked email by accusing the New York Times of colluding with Hillary Clinton’s campaign by providing warning of potentially negative stories about to “pop”, allowing the campaign to prepare in advance to spin the revelations or create diversions.

Infowars reports:

Snopes then attempted to “debunk” this assertion by claiming the email “provided no evidence of improper collusion between the Times and the Clinton camp. It is standard journalistic practice for reporters to ask the subjects of their news stories for comment before publishing, and Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman were doing their due diligence as professional journalists.

The notion that the NYT was merely asking for a comment is a patently insufficient explanation given that they didn’t ask for a comment.

Now Snopes has been embarrassed further by the revelation that a New York Times reporter used to email Hillary Clinton’s State Department days in advance to warn them of stories that were about to be published.

In one 2010 example, NYT national security reporter Scott Shane contacted Philip Crowley, who was at the time the United States Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs under Clinton’s State Department, listing the topics of all the different stories that the New York Times was set to run over the course of a week.

This proves that the New York Times was indeed colluding with Clinton’s State Department by giving them a heads up on stories that were about to run, just as the newspaper colluded with the Clinton campaign during the election in the same manner.

Having initially fallen flat with its weak denial that the NYT colluded with the Clinton campaign, this email again underscores how the New York Times routinely colludes with government bodies and political campaigns it is friendly with, and that this is not just “standard journalistic practice”.

As we have previously documented, Snopes brands itself as an independent authority on fake news, yet has repeatedly proven itself to be a hyper-partisan biased outfit.

As the Daily Caller reported, Kim Lacapria, Snopes’ main political “fact checker,” describes herself as “openly left-leaning” and a liberal. She has previously equated Tea Party conservatives with jihadists.

[RELATED: Snopes’ Lead Writer Admits She Gets High While Fact Checking]

In December 2016, an investigative report revealed how Snopes was accused of using company money to pay for prostitutes.

Snopes’ obvious bias in favor of the Democratic Party establishment is deeply troubling given that they are being used by numerous large corporations as supposedly “impartial” fact checkers.

The notion that Snopes is non-partisan is ludicrous. It’s a propaganda organ for the left and this proves it yet again.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.