Spanish Gov’t Wants To ‘Legalize Sex Between Adults and Children’

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
The Spanish government want to legalize sex between adults and children

The Spanish government wants to legalize sex between adults and “consenting” children as young as 12-years-old.

On September 21, during a hearing in Congress, Spain’s Minister of Equality called pedophilia a “basic human right.”

The far-left Minister, Irene Montero, declared, “Children should have the right to have sexual relations with whomever they want, as long as they consent.”

For those who have been paying attention, governments across the world, operating under the control of the World Economic Forum, are waging war on our children. Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders are systematically attempting to normalize pedophilia and decriminalize sex with children across the world. reports: The country’s parliament passed a controversial new “sexual freedom law” focusing on consent recently. Montero’s perverse comments are part of the debate about lowering the age of consent, which is currently set at 16, in the context of a much-debated law coming into force on October 7. The socialist-led government’s idea is to lower the age of consent to 12, which would further pave the way for pedophiles.

The new law, which Montero promoted, states in Article 181 of the Penal CodeWhoever performs acts of a sexual nature with a minor under sixteen years of age, will be punished with a prison sentence of two to six years.“ 

It seems that the Minister has not read the law she promoted and defended in Congress. Sexual relations between children and adults are a crime punishable by imprisonment. A child cannot have sex with whomever he pleases, despite what Minister Montero claims.

Vox Party Fights Back

Spain’s only conservative political party, Vox, filed a motion to reprimand the Minister and a criminal complaint for what she said. The leader of the Vox party, Santiago Abascal, believes that the Minister is promoting pederasty. ‘It is an international scandal that this person is still a minister today; it is a direct threat to our children.”

Vox deputy Carla Toscano stated: “This is a corruption of minors and apology for pedophilia.“ Also, the MEP and First Vice President of Political Action Jorge Buxadé pointed out: “With crystal clear clarity, Mrs. Montero reveals the hidden parts of gender ideology: the hypersexualization of minors and the promotion of sexual acts between minors and adults; corrupting their innocence.”

Feminists slam Montero for defending pedophilia

Even writer and former deputy of the Ciudadanos party Sonia Sierra questioned Montero’s words, “Since when can children have sex with consent?“ The Minister has also received criticism from feminist groups. Radical Feminist Space has pointed out: “This is already the last straw, the argument of the defenders of pedophiles in the mouth of the Minister. Either she doesn’t know what she’s saying, or this is the following: eliminate the minimum age of sexual consent of 16 years.”

Not an isolated incident

Irene Montero’s statements are not an isolated case among left-wing “feminists.” For example, the communist and gender ideologue Shulamith Firestone proposed normalizing pedophilia and incest in her famous book, “The Dialectic of Sex” (1970), one of the reference works of the so-called third-wave feminism or gender feminism. 

Also, communist and feminist Simone de Beauvoir signed two manifestos defending the legalization of pedophile relationships. In addition, she was also fired from her job as a teacher for corrupting an underage student.

On January 9, 2018, Irene Montero wrote a tweet praising Simone de Beauvoir, stating: With her example and that of those who came before, today we are building the women’s revolution today, reinventing ourselves and making ourselves protagonists of our lives. Thanks.” 

All Spaniards, especially families with small children, have reason to feel alarmed that a perverse radical is occupying a ministry position in Spain. Furthermore, Montero has the power to decide the contents imposed on the children in schools. Therefore, it is urgent that Spain protect their children against radicals who, like Motero, have managed to infiltrate their government.

Thankfully, many Europeans are fed-up with radicalized politicians attacking their children and promoting pedophilia. So for days on Twitter, the hashtag  #IreneMonteroDimision (Irene Montero Resign) trended.

Sean Adl-Tabatabai
About Sean Adl-Tabatabai 18013 Articles
Having cut his teeth in the mainstream media, including stints at the BBC, Sean witnessed the corruption within the system and developed a burning desire to expose the secrets that protect the elite and allow them to continue waging war on humanity. Disturbed by the agenda of the elites and dissatisfied with the alternative media, Sean decided it was time to shake things up. Knight of Joseon (