Student to be jailed for refusing quarantine

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

Ylsa Tellez is a 26-year-old graduate student from South Pasadena, California who refused to be quarantined per health officials’ orders after her sister contracted the measles at Disneyland and she might face jail time for it.

Tellez said that she feels healthy, and that she doesn’t think “it’s necessary for me to be on house arrest.” Her younger sister, 24-year-old Maura Tellez, is one of the 26 people to get the measles after visiting Disneyland’s theme parks in Orange County between December 15th-20th. Maura said she is feeling better and is no longer contagious.

“On Tuesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention contacted Ylsa and a local health department visited her. Both asked her to get vaccinated and be quarantined. They also warned her that if she didn’t follow their orders, she could get sent to jail or have a misdemeanor on her record, Ylsa said. Her mother is supporting her daughter’s decision, and said “it’s not nice” that they’re threatening her.

Ysla said that she’s going to visit a doctor to see if she needs to get a measles vaccine, and that if she starts feeling sick at all, then she would definitely stay in.

Measles is a respiratory disease that spreads through the air through coughing and sneezing. A person who’s contracted measles can be contagious up to four days before and after the rash begins to show. The symptoms for this disease include fever, cough, runny nose, red eyes, and a rash covering the entire body, and will appear about a week to two weeks after being infected. There’s no treatment for measles, but most people usually recover after a few weeks.”
