The Pope Says ‘Humanity Must Repent For Abusing Mother Earth’

Fact checked
Pope Francis

Pope Francis has demanded that humans “repent and modify their lifestyles” because of our abuse of Mother Earth.

In a message for the Celebration of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation on Thursday, the Pope condemned the “mistreatment” of our common home stemming from “our consumerist excesses,” “tyrannical anthropocentrism,” “predatory economic interests,” and “short sighted and selfish actions” saying they lead to the collapse of our planet’s ecosystems.

He declared: “In the first place, it is our sister, mother earth, who cries out. Prey to our consumerist excesses, she weeps and implores us to put an end to our abuses and to her destruction”

Breitbart reports: Because of human irresponsibility “countless species are dying out and their hymns of praise silenced,” the pope laments, while the ancestral lands of indigenous peoples “are being invaded and devastated on all sides, ‘provoking a cry that rises up to heaven.’”

Because of the “climate crisis,” the poor disproportionately suffer the impact of “the drought, flooding, hurricanes and heat waves that are becoming ever more intense and frequent,” the pope asserts.

“Listening to these anguished cries, we must repent and modify our lifestyles and destructive systems,” Francis proposes, since the “present state of decay of our common home merits the same attention as other global challenges such as grave health crises and wars.”

The ecological conversion needed to bring about lasting change cannot simply take place at the individual level, the pope insists, but must be “also a community conversion” embracing multilateral solutions, “especially in the meetings of the United Nations devoted to the environmental question.”

In his Message, Francis also plugs the COP27 conference on climate change, to be held in Egypt in November 2022, which “represents the next opportunity for all to join in promoting the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement.”

The Holy See subscribes to the Paris goal of limiting temperature increase to 1.5°C, Francis states, which “calls for responsible cooperation between all nations in presenting climate plans or more ambitious nationally determined contributions in order to reduce to zero, as quickly as possible, net greenhouse gas emissions.”

“This means ‘converting’ models of consumption and production, as well as lifestyles, in a way more respectful of creation and the integral human development of all peoples, present and future,” he adds. “The transition brought about by this conversion cannot neglect the demands of justice, especially for those workers who are most affected by the impact of climate change.”

Along with the UN climate conference, Francis underscores the importance of a UN summit on biodiversity, to be held in Canada in December, as a way to address “the double crisis of climate change and the reduction of biodiversity.”


  1. Wrong Scientists are to blame .They invented every evil that has brought climate change from coal fuelled electricity ,to fertilizers to agricultural destruction of forests ,to nuclear spills and oil slicks and deadly diseases and bioweapons and weather warfare .And they did it at the request if the richest people wanting more money and power and control over nature and humanity .Humanity are collectively the victims of the moral authority for rule of law that enabled it all .

    • And to be blunt you can lay the burden of guilt fair and square at the British Empire in particular for the destruction of Africa Australia New Zealand’s Canada’s forests and rivers AND for the Industrial Revolution and England Wales complete dependence upon coal which they exported to the world .In a nutshell And they should be paying reparations in the trillions for the harm they have caused .

      • And the abhorrent enslavement of the Chinese and the shameless destruction of that formerly most beautiful forested lush gorgeous country by turning it into a factory for Western English industrialists is a crime against nature and humanity too .

        • Things are not good.. People need homes and food and employment.. What specifically is evil or wrong about China? Too many people taken out of poverty? Do you have friends and confidants in China? Do they feel themselves slaves? Give us the scoop. Thank you.

          • Very few human rights and worked to death sounds GOOD to you?.China has the fuel at billions of 55gallon drums per day so russian invaded K-zack-stan FIrst to help secure the russia/china industrial complex`s fuel and metal minning.China and russia are one country and our goverment won`t say one bad thing about the hand the feeds us china

          • Your making some important points. It’s that I think the non-stop fearmongering over China is just a distraction from the crimes and malfeasance of our own rulers. Some of which you mention. About ‘foreign’ or Chinese ownership of US resources? I learned that the Saudis own wide swaths of California just to grow alfalfa for their horses. Extracting water from drought parched Southern California, in bales of alfalfa. Where does your fear of foreigners stop? What informs you aside from the Washington Consensus? There is an article at IFCH that might inform you of outside opinions on what is going on. “Russia and China
            Haven’t Even Started to Ratchet Up the Pain
            Dial” Thanks for the chance to comment.

        • The silk road was built by china not the west but I agree with you as everyone should have learned their lessons by now as far as indust/revs the west already trashed their lands and have nothing left BUT china is finning out the sharks and their homeland will be the biggest HUMAN made toxic hot spot in the world

  2. I don’t much care what he says.. It’s notable he’s aware there are problems! I must remark that the photos of him used for these articles precisely capture the evil necromancer he is! 🙂

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