US Paying Mercenaries To Seize Territory In Northern Syria

Fact checked

Washington has been paying mercenaries to fight on its behalf in northern Syria according to a newly released document by the US Department of Defense 

The document also shows how the United States wants the numbers of militants increased six-fold.

Press TV has the report:


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  1. If the US has no business sending troops in than it has no business paying other troops to go in. Maybe it is time to send our politicians to the front lines….they will be careful what battles they pick then.

  2. LOl lol lol. And the US people paying for all of it. When your stuck in a bubble smoking crack. Lol and no war yet.

  3. So why are these scum not being hunted down and killed if it is known they are there. Why are they not being killed by the people there defending themselves like the GREAT Hez and Iranians? Not to mention the SAA why are they not targeting them?

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