Victory! Hawaii Leads Nation on Banning GMO Crops

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Victory! Hawaii Leads Nation on Banning GMO Crops

‘This week’s elections saw two victories regarding banning GMOs in the United States.

A ballot measure in Maui County, Hawaii that calls for a ban on GMO crops passed by a slim margin this week. But while the margin was slim, the victory was HUGE, because it followed an $8 million campaign against it by Biotech giants Monsanto and Dow AgroSciences.

The GMO industry sees Hawaii as a rich region to develop new GMO crops. The amount of money spent to defeat the GMO ban initiative was the largest amount ever spent on a political campaign in the history of Hawaii, according to the Honolulu Civil Beat. And they lost. Maui consumers won. Well done Maui.

And this is not the first victory in Hawaii. This ballot measure banning GMO crops in Maui follows a victory late last year, where Hawaii County Mayor William Kenoi signed a bill banning GMO crops in Hawaii County, despite fierce opposition. Here is part of what Mayor Kenoi wrote when he signed the law:

Our community has a deep connection and respect for our land, and we all understand we must protect our island and preserve our precious natural resources. We are determined to do what is right for the land because this place is unlike any other in the world. With this new ordinance we are conveying that instead of global agribusiness corporations, we want to encourage and support community-based farming and ranching. ‘

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Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.