Vile Leftists Chant ‘F*ck Trump’ Outside Walter Reed Hospital – ‘I Hope He Dies’

Fact checked
Angry leftists chant 'f Trump' outside Walter Reed hospital

A group of far-left anti-Trump protestors gathered outside Walter Reed hospital over the weekend to express their hatred for President Trump and their desire to see him die.

Standing alongside Trump supporters praying for the president’s recovery, the hateful mob attempted to counter the good-wishes directed towards the president.

“Fuck Donald Trump,” one woman shouted, waving her middle finger in the air:

“Your president is dying, ahh!” another woman laughed.

Others openly hoped for Trump’s death: reports: One woman holding a “F*ck Trump” sign admitted she hopes he dies.

“Wah, wah, your leader’s gonna die!” she shouted.

“I hope he dies!”

Here’s another angle of her taunts:

Another woman held a sign that read, “Truth over lies.”

A woman said she stood outside the hospital because she is “anti-Trump”:

“We don’t care how he’s feeling,” one of the protesters told Jack Posobiec of One America News.

The same woman was accused of confronting and cussing out children:

Posobiec also reported someone drove by and threw a batch of papers out of the window:

They read, “Fuck the Trumps.”

White House Physician Sean Conley told reporters late Friday evening that Trump is doing “very well.”


  1. This is what the USA has come to !! One side ‘for’ and one side ‘against’. The hatred between the two groups will end in bloodshed!!! Nobody has the power to stop it!!! Why? I blame the bush-obama years!!! Those two people polarized this nation so far apart only a war with brother killing brother will change the nation. There is no compromise, my way or the highway!!!

    • The nation was polarized long before the two clowns you mentioned.

      The power and privilege lust of the left is driving the US into a civil war.

      Obama did embolden the left by being elected to high office as a complete fraud.

      Bush 2 emboldened the Neocon left.

      Leftist demand unconstitutional privileges for their protected victim cults of diversity, and government persecution for pro-constitution people.

      They are not satisfied with having some of their corrupt demands fulfilled at the state level – only unconstitutional federal tyranny satisfies their lust.

      • Sort off .France was the greatest military and economic superpower if its day before they used the revolution to destroy it from within Whilst Emperor Napoleon replaced the Bourbons the army was great ,but again France became a even greater superpower Si they conned him into selling Louisiana to ” america ” for 5 cents an acre to fund his campaign agsinst Russia They got America and he had his army wiped out and that really finished France Theb when Russia was on rbe cusp of becoming the suoerpower of the world and the mist technucakly advances on earth ,which is the truth,then they pulked the revolution trick again .Chiba was their next big threat ,so ditto ,there too WW2 buried Germany for decades and destroyed German morale which is kept in chains by daily anti nazi propagandas Its all from the sane source ,all the cinnivung cunning deceit and manipulation ,lies murders thefts and hypocrisies All to benefit the sane Empire Democracy was ,from the beginning a weapon they use to deceive when CONTROLLED and directed by them tbe most powerful tool on their arsenal .

    • That is the purpose they created invented democracy The sales pitch deceives so that t3bey can keep the people divided and squabbling amongst themselves and so not looking up to see what’s really happening in the shadows . Only Washingtom Lincoln and McKinley ,I think really understood the big picture .Everyones deceived by them using their control over education and all media .Image is everything to them .

    • Its from Roman imperialism. From Roman paganism Rome was succesful because they were a society that used war as their greatest industry and propaganda as their greatest weapon .Worship us or be thrown to the lions Theyre fundamental ideology.

  2. All fascists believe they’re democratic, don’t even know what being a subject if fascism means in reality Are deceived or corrupt dishonest or hypocrites believing themselves ” justified ” from loyalty to superiors who never explain ..

  3. Interesting that they’re giving a man his age dexamethasone Read the warnings given to medical professionals and then listen to the dr doing the public interviews and his ” common language ” skills at play with his ever so snug ” we aren’t necessarily trying to hide anything “comments and his ,I think ,creepy grin .Trump doesn’t look well now after 3 days with them .The dexamethasone would make him feel well in the shirt term BUT. could easily kill him in the long .And they know that it’s only normally given to extreme cases of covid In other words as an experiment .

  4. The White House medical officer ,I think is his title sat with his head in his hands throughout the Media’s interview with that battery if drs all like a team of like minded robots .He obviously knew he was t going to be asked his opinion on any treatment or anything .He sat looking like someone in shock and deep depression ,abject and dejected, powerless . Trump had absolutely no signs indicating the need for that steroid .That extremely dangerous steroid that can over time ,and usually quite delayed trigger life-threatening responses ..That steroid that is ONLY used in n extreme covid circumstances ,basically only if the patient looks likely to die anyway .

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