Fmr Democrat Candidate Matt Trowbridge Caught on Camera Trying to Rape 14 Year Old Boy

Fact checked
Former Dem Rep. Matt Trowbridge caught trying to rape 14 year old boy

A former Democratic candidate for Massachusetts State Representative has been caught on camera attempting to rape a 14-year-old boy.

Matt Trowbridge, who currently works in a nursing home, was busted by a group of pedophile hunters called ‘Predator Poachers of Massachusetts’ trying to meet a minor for sex online.

WATCH: reports: Trowbridge ran for office in 2009, before dropping out due to “personal matters” in 2010.

Trowbridge sent sexually explicit messages to the person that he believed to be a 14-year-old boy before going to their house to prey on them.

When Trowbridge was told that the person he was speaking to was “14 turning 15,” he responded with “nice.”

While making plans to meet up with the “child,” the predator asked the boy when his mother would be leaving, removing all plausible deniability that he believed he was speaking to an adult.

Trowbridge has now deleted all of his social media.


    • Its about teaching teens whose the boss of their body. Making them compliant by controlling their sexuality. Its abuse .

    • But yes they do want to rape and kill and drink babies blood Yes they do that anyway .The most guilty ,who always throw the most shade . Thats real pedophilia ,nit having sex with 17 year olds who have been runaway street walking sex workers since 14 like some well known young ladies .

  1. I dont see where he was caught on video trying to rape the boy. I don’t see who told him the boy was 14 or 15 and i don’t know what he said except by a third unidentified source. Why ? I wouldnt be surprised that he was chatting to a 14 or 15 year old who invited him over knowing he was an older man and wanting sex Is the boy mentally incompetent or doesn’t he have the right to engage in sex because some authorities denied him rights to his own sexuality and body and choices because nature is wrong and normal people shouldnt have sexual urges until they are mature enough to handle them .? Until they 18 now according to some elite minority .And doesnt the ” pedophilia ” ,wgich is a lie because pedophilia has always meant with pre PUBESCENTS and especially infants and toddlers ,little kiddies ,angle really show how hateful people are, how easily they can be made into monsters of indignant self righteousness. If that 14 or 15 year old ,or maybe 16 ,who knows wanted to invite him over the rhats his responsibility unless he is mentally or emotionally challenged. Its his body and hes bit going to get pregnant,and wgeb rhe same respibsible kegislators and lawyers jydges even say a toddler can decide to have a sex change because their mature enough then the hypocrisy stinks

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