Western Ruling Elite To Blame For Global Economic Problems Says Putin

Fact checked
Vladimir Putin

Russian president Vladimir Putin has blamed the ‘western ruling elite’ for creating the economic hardships that are currently impacting people in Europe and the US.

During a speech that was broadcast live on Russian television last week, Putin also slammed Russian oligarchs fleeing to Israel as a “fifth column” of “national traitors”. He said they see themselves as a “superior race” and “cannot make do without foie gras, oysters or gender freedom as they call it.”

Summit News reports: The Russian president also directly addressed westerners who are being told by the legacy media that skyrocketing gas prices and other economic hardships are purely to blame on Putin.

“I want ordinary Western people hear me, too,” Putin said. “You are being persistently told that your current difficulties are the result of Russia’s hostile actions and that you have to pay for the efforts to counter the alleged Russian threat from your own pockets. All of that is a lie.”

“The truth is that the problems faced by millions of people in the West are the result of many years of actions by the ruling elite of your respective countries, their mistakes, and short-sighted policies and ambitions. This elite is not thinking about how to improve the lives of their citizens in Western countries. They are obsessed with their own self-serving interests and super profits.”

No doubt that very same elite will now cite Putin’s criticism of them as reason to assert they have the moral high ground.


  1. The hardships imposed by inflation and supply chain restrictions and delivery delays are all manufactured for their profit. Meanwhile Kate, with her uncle the big drug dealer in Cyprus, and William are happy dancing with the peasants in the grannies filthy sti King rich tax havens stuffed full to the brim with dirty money from all sorts of crimes.

  2. Russia/china letting the dictator robe them in KAZAKHSTAN with the gas feild workers not having gas to get to work STARTED this whole chain reaction train wreck in the first place seems planned at this stage in time.I don`t think putin wants low price either as none of the RICH want to be poor anywhere in the world

  3. what is coming next.

    2 or 3 disableing and fast killing plagues.
    no cure or vaccine for them.
    To destabilize nations and force them to be unready for ww3,
    combined with food shortages, lockdowns and also people dying from the vaccines.
    Add to that the blackout and russia and china will ww3.
    All the animals die, all the life in the sea will die, and many unnatural disaters occur world wide. Useing the ultimate weapon=radiation.

    You can’t fight the NWO as seperate single individuals, or the many groups they belong to.
    The separate groups exist only to confuse and fool you.

    Pope francis and George Soros and Putin and Gates are all the exact same person.

    They are fake, phony useful ‘identities’ of the puppets that exist only to serve and totally obey the falen angels=they have no free will of their own.

    They exist only to carry out Lucifer
    s war against God, for your souls, and to destroy all that God created, all life on earth.

    They are not seperate entities. They are all outside of their falsely created public images and titles and pompous positions of ‘percieved Prestiege’, only the tenticals of Lucifer.

    The people you see as individuals, freemasons, satanists and atheists, are not individuals. They have individual identities and hold different high positions of power, and public images, that serve satan and his agenda, only.

    They do not have any idaviduality beyond that. They are all of one slave hive mind.
    They are puppets and pawns of the evil one.
    They serve satan and the fallen angels who serve LUCIFER and his agenda only.

    Other than that, there is NOTHING remotely human or individual in any of them.
    They have no souls.

    They are separated from God for eternity.

    Lucifer’s agenda is to make life on earth IMPOSSIBLE.

    They have used technology to Kill the earth, destroy the Sun, and poison the world to death. They used radiation to do it.

    The dying sun will do very strange (deadly to earth and all life) things as it is dying very soon.

    They will spread a powder which is radiation, over the entire world, Europe first as the test.

    Absolutly nothing will ever live or grow in Europe after they do it in WW3.

    You are all going to DIE in ww3 and its aftermath.

    The food will never return, no water, food, air or earth or living creatures can servive what is coming. Lucifer will kill all the younger generation so you can’t reproduce.
    He will make the earth devoid of life giving properties.

    He always goes for the overkill to get his wicked and evil plans and desires accomplished.

    BUT most of all, he is enjoying every minute of your stupidity.

    He is getting maximun sadistic pleasure in watching yoube so rediculously easy to Kill.

    He mostly loves that you all are mostly worsking for him, and not for God and his plan and desire for you, to have life everlasting.

    He is laughing at you. You are his joy.

    He laighs at you when you believe the lies, that all the evil he does, is “good”, because his liars do such a good job of convincing you it is.

    Drilling for fossel fuels, the jews and capitalism are just a few of the lies you belive that gives him power and have taken you all from God and his love, and have led to the destruction of what God created for you.

    You all will be responsible for your own dimise, for your own devolution, into things and wet-ware, in eternal Hell.

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