Why Did CERN Host A “Dance Of Destruction” Performance?

Fact checked

Many have wondered why CERN not only placed a statue of the dancing form of Lord Shiva (doing the “Dance of Destruction”, as her “dancing persona” Nataraj), in the middle of the CERN headquarters.

From The Daily Sheeple [1]:

You can listen to Brave New World author Aldous Huxley explain the symbolism of that statue in a fascinating piece, explained here.

Notice anything about this logo?

Now ask yourself why they are allowing bizarre occultic dance opera performances inside the collider itself.

Guess searching for that God particle is so important they would build a multi-billion-dollar facility but take time out in their scientific pursuits for… performance art?

Even if you are not inclined to believe there is anything conspiratorial going on at CERN, you have to admit… at the very least, this is really, really bizarre.


[1] http://www.thedailysheeple.com/why-are-they-hosting-a-weird-occultic-dance-opera-inside-cern_072015

Royce Christyn

Royce Christyn

Journalist at News Punch
Documentarian, Writer, Producer, Director, Author.
Royce Christyn


  1. New knowledge and understanding is gained via the destruction of the colliding particles. I believe the statue of Shiva must surely represent the destruction of particles, not the destruction of the planet as I’m assuming many speculate. I don’t see whats so bizarre about getting creative and depicting/personifying this process with various art and symbolism. I see first hand every day that humanity does much stranger things…. Could we potentially generate a black hole which sucks in all of this world around us and grants each of us all a great spaghettification demise? Welp, we were close. Oops. HAHAHA GOOD.

  2. because the idoits think they can open portals that only God can. wasting their lives chasing fantasies. God will open the portals when he wants to. anyone that thinks they can spend trillions of dollars gives them the power and right to do so, is just morbidly stupid.

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