Why Should I Care About GMOs?

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

‘What if you found out that your child was being slipped a dangerous drug in his school lunches, without your consent? What if you discovered that this drug never underwent the usual safety testing, as the government turned a bind eye? Would you be shocked? Outraged? Or perhaps in a state of profound denial that something so egregious could happen in this country?

This may seem like a nightmare scenario that could never happen in the United States of America, in a democracy valuing freedom and consent. But the shocking truth is that it happens every day. I’m not talking about a drug, per se, but your family is being exposed to something potentially even MORE destructive: GMOs, or genetically modified organisms.

Like the hypothetical drug scenario, in the early 1990s, GMO technology was rushed to market, allowed to skip the normal safety checks. No rigorous scientific vetting, no peer reviewed safety studies. Just a quiet, green light with a wink and a nod from our government to the biotech industry. Scientists opposing GMOs were ignored and hushed—even those within the FDA. The fact that GMOs are dangerous and unpredictable has been known, but suppressed, for decades. In the late 1980s, the L-tryptophan epidemic that killed 37 people and crippled thousands more was traced to genetically engineered ingredients

For the past 20 years, GMOs have been allowed to permeate our food supply, with government regulators and industry spreading the myth of their safety, despite all evidence to the contrary. Why should you care? Because your children are the real guinea pigs.’

Read More: Why Should I Care About GMOs?

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.