BBC Accused Of Doctoring Photo Of White Voter’s Hand To Make It Black

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

Why would they do such a thing?


The BBC has come under fire after it admitted using a ‘blacked up’ image as part of its election coverage.

The corporation is facing questions from politicians after it emerged that a genuine photo of a white woman’s hand had been doctored to make it look like the hand of a black voter.

The Mail Online reports: An almost identical photo with a white hand had been used in a previous story about voting four years earlier.

Both photos show a female hand with a French manicure, and blue and white striped cuffs, putting a blank piece of paper in a Welsh ballot box.

The original image with the white hand is bylined Getty Images and was used on the BBC news website in 2018 in an article about lowering the voting age in Wales.

The altered image with the black hand was used in March last year in a story about Welsh council elections.

The BBC was facing questions last night after it admitted using a ‘blacked up’ image (pictured) as part of its election coverage

An almost identical photo with a white hand had been used in a previous story about voting four years earlier

Tory MP Peter Bone said: ‘Why on earth would anyone want to change the colour of a hand? The BBC has serious questions to answer. First, they have got to explain why on earth that happened. What was the reasoning for it? What was the thought behind it? What were they trying to say? Why did they falsify the image?

‘The BBC is supposed to be neutral and present factual evidence.’

He added: ‘They can’t say this was an accident because that doesn’t make any sense to me. They have really got serious questions to answer.’

Another Conservative politician Bill Cash said: ‘This is a good indication of the way in which there are elements of the BBC who want to create a misleading impression.This is part of the fundamental problem with impartiality.’ Both articles and images can still be found on the BBC news website.

A BBC spokesman said: ‘It appears that the photograph used as part of this graphic has been altered, which, although there is no intention to mislead, should not have happened and is not acceptable BBC practice. We will be reminding our staff of this.’

The BBC has previously been criticised for its focus on identity issues and diversity, with some accusing it of being unduly influenced by ‘woke’ politics.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.