Bloomberg Vows To Turn America Into California

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California “can serve as a great example” to the rest of America, according to Democrat presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg, who has revealed that his terrifying vision for the United States involves copying the failed policies of the failing liberal state.

California “can serve as a great example” to the rest of America, according to Democrat presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg, who has revealed that his terrifying vision for the United States involves copying the disastrous policies of the failing liberal state.

Bloomberg, 78, the former mayor of New York City, is actually fond of many of the failed policies that have conspired to reduce the once great Golden State to its present disastrous condition.

California’s radical leftist policies on climate change, gun control, and criminal justice reform could be rolled out across America during a Bloomberg administration.

I think that California can serve as a great example for the rest of this country,” Bloomberg said at the opening of his campaign headquarters in Los Angeles last month, according to the California Globe, before showing how completely out of touch he is with middle America by declaring California to be “something the rest of the country looks up to.”

Bloomberg noted that California’s efforts on climate change, gun control, and criminal justice reform were second to none, and that the rest of the nation should follow their lead,” the Globe reported.

As for California’s approach to climate change, this is a state that already has sky-high taxes and a prohibitively high cost of living and wants to get to 60 percent clean energy usage by 2030 and 100 percent clean usage by 2045, according to Quartz, something that will increase electricity bills, and further drain the household income of regular families.

As for gun control, yes, the state constantly tests the limits of the 2nd amendment. Much of this change has been encouraged, mind you, by Bloomberg-astroturfed groups like Everytown for Gun Safety.

As for criminal justice reform, California is a national disgrace. This is a state where a Democrat is currently proposing a bill under which offenders under the age of 20 could be charged as juveniles.

WesternJournal report:

Bloomberg may put himself forth as a moderate, but he’s also an inveterate nanny-stater — and those two things work at cross-purposes. If he believes the government can achieve something, he won’t try to get there by halves.

This is something the people of New York City found out.

He didn’t like sugary sodas, so he tried to ban sodas from being sold in large sizes. (The courts, thankfully, had a little word with him.)

On smoking, Bloomberg hated the habit, so he did everything in his power to eradicate it.

New York’s gun laws were practically draconian.

This is what he did in a city.

He now wants to do it for (or to, if you prefer) an entire nation.

In 2009, the late polemicist Christopher Hitchens wrote a piece on New York City’s petty regulations, spurred on by how they’d mushroomed under then-Mayor Bloomberg.

In fact, the law these days is very clear. It states that New York City is now the domain of the mediocre bureaucrat, of the inspector with too much time on his hands, of the anal-retentive cop with his nose in a rule book, of the snitch willing to drop a dime on a harmless fellow citizen, and of a mayor who is that most pathetic and annoying figure — the micro-megalomaniac,” Hitchens wrote.

And now that micro-megalomaniac wants to remake America in that image, and he thinks California would be a “good example.”

California, with its unaffordable over-regulated housing market, rampant homelessness, streets strewn with fecal matter, Second Amendment-baiting gun laws and elected officials who are either gleefully proud of these things or oblivious to the extent of the problems.

Some moderate.

In California, ordinary people can leave — and they do, in droves.

As ordinary Americans who love this country, our options are much more limited. We can be thankful, however, that our government is too, as are Michael Bloomberg’s chances of becoming the Democratic nominee.

However, chalk him up as yet another Democrat who can’t help but see an alternate reality version of California that simply doesn’t exist.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.