Cast Of ‘Contagion’ Tell Us How To Fight Coronavirus

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The cast of the pandemic movie ‘Contagion’ staged a ‘virtual reunion’ to record a series of public service announcements to fight ‘misleading, inaccurate messages’ about the coronavirus.

British actress Kate Winslet, whose character died half way through the film, was widely mocked on Twitter

RT reports: The 44-year-old, along with Matt Damon and Laurence Fishburne – her co-stars in Steven Soderbergh’s 2011 film about a deadly infection that spreads quickly around the globe – have taken part in a virtual reunion, filming themselves promoting best practice on Covid-19 advice.

Winslet played an epidemiologist attempting to halt the spread of the virus and says the advice she was given by “experts” while filming was “wash your hands like your life depends on it.”

The actor, who also famously starred in Titanic, was trending on Twitter on Tuesday, with many mocking the idea of an actor providing public service announcements on a pandemic, ostensibly because their character happened to become embroiled in one in a film.

I want Kate Winslet’s advice on surviving a shipwreck.

Comedian Jonathan Pie was less than enthusiastic about receiving Winslet’s tips on “how to stay alive after your luxury cruise ship starts to sink,”insisting“That plank had space for TWO people.”

Among the many roles Winslet has performed, she played a former concentration camp guard in The Reader, prompting one person to joke that they wanted “her tried for war crimes.”

Overwhelmingly though, it was the fact that “Winslet’s character died halfway through the movie [Contagion]” that had many on social media brutally mock her coronavirus public information campaign.

(L) Contagion film posters Pictured: Kate Winslet © Global look Press / PLANET PHOTOS (R) A paramedic at St Thomas’ hospital © REUTERS / Hannah McKay
Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.