CERN Scientists Are In The Dark Regarding Dark Matter

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CERN’s Large Hadron Collider is in full hunting mode for the next three years looking to probe into atomic particles by smashing them together and dissecting the results.

After a temporary shut-down for two years and an upgrade, the world’s largest particle collider is back in business, smashing atoms together with almost double the energy used in its first run.
It is generally looking for new particles to build upon existing scientific theories, and to give legitimacy to modern science and the creation of the universe through the Big Bang, which made it appear out of no-where within no-time.
The universe has been around for nearly 14 billion years in time and the space it occupies (Universe) is filled with mysteries. One of these mysteries for which CERN was created is to do with that space and the matter in that space and for that matter, the action of gravity among the matter in that space (Universe), which remain the fundamental questions in science. Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton have only revealed to us the existence of such fundamental forces and energies.
Still, 90% of the universe is not defined by the present laws of physics. What scientists refer to as dark matter to explain the actions of far away galaxies by astronomers, or the loss of energy when smashing particles together, as in CERN’s quest, is just that 90% of the unknown.

One thing that is known by the 10% that we do know is that creating mini black holes or extra dimensions at CERN could be the most foolish thing that we do. Just to keep the present modern global scientific establishment in business we might blow up the world. It might be better to rethink the present inadequate science and its dangerous research projects, and admit that we are in the dark when faced with dark matter.

We cannot define dark matter. We are dark matter (according to the standard model, by a ratio of 9:1). Dark matter is what allows us to define the 10%. It is the key to understanding the universe, matter and gravity. It could have nothing to do with the speed of light or matter, but gives legitimacy to light by its dark (unknown) existence.
Let us take another look at ourselves and our utter lack of understanding in many fields, including the new science.

Scientists claim that the experiments at CERN are safe because they occur naturally above the earth’s atmosphere. But in space there is no one watching.
In particle physics as in the physics of light, there is a peculiarity which should stop scientists theorising any further, just momentarily. The path or direction that light takes, or the interaction among particles in the subatomic world, depend upon the Presence/or Not, of a human observer or even a camera.
In CERN the place is full of cameras and human eyes monitoring events.

The Daily Mail reports:

The European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, said the Large Hadron Collider will now run around the clock for the next three years, producing vast amounts of data for scientists to scour.

‘We have seen the first data beginning to flow,’ said CERN’s director, Rolf Heuer. ‘Let’s see what they will reveal to us about how our universe works.’

The collider underwent a $150 million upgrade after its first run, which produced results that helped confirm the existence of an elusive subatomic particle, the Higgs boson.

Heuer said physicists hope the new run might lead to discoveries that could help ‘explain remaining mysteries such as dark matter.’

The LHC, located in a 27-kilometer (16.8-mile) tunnel beneath the Swiss-French border, is now smashing together protons at 13 trillion electronvolts.

Nobody knows quite what the LHC might reveal with its new particle collisions – mini-versions of the Big Bang primordial blast that brought the universe into being 13.8 billion years ago – but scientists hope it will produce evidence of what has been dubbed ‘new physics’.

This concept includes ‘dark matter’, thought to make up some 96 percent of the stuff of the universe while being totally invisible, and super-symmetry, or SUSY, under which all visible particles have unseen counterparts.

‘The only thing we really know is that there is ‘new physics’ because the model that we have is not complete,’ said Luca Malgeri, a scientist working at the European physics research centre CERN.

‘It might be linked to dark matter or it might not. It might be linked to something totally new.’

If there is a particle missing from current knowledge of the building blocks of the universe, CERN scientists hope that it might be spotted, even fleetingly, in the debris of the billions of collisions, just as the Higgs boson was.

The first results might come early, Malgeri said, because the LHC already searched for smaller particles on its previous run, and a bigger particle might show up quickly, if high energy collisions are the key to its existence.

It may have extremely weak interaction with other forces, which might explain why it had never been observed before.

The CERN scientists would hope to detect any dark matter by noticing that some energy was missing after the collision, which would betray the existence of such a particle, Malgeri said.

If the hoped-for particle is only created very rarely, it may take many more collisions to find it, which is why the number of collisions – the LHC’s ‘luminosity’ – will increase over the next three years until it is 10 times brighter than on its first run.

Whether anything will be observed, however, is anybody’s guess.

‘This is the million dollar question,’ Malgeri said.

‘We are wide open. After the first run of the LHC, all possibilities are equally probable for new physics.’


When physicists study the dynamics of galaxies and the movement of stars, they are confronted with a mystery.
If they only take visible matter into account, their equations simply don’t add up; the elements that can be observed are not sufficient to explain the rotation of objects and the existing gravitational forces. There is something missing.
From this they deduced that there must be an invisible kind of matter that does not interact with light but does, as a whole, interact by means of the gravitational force.
Called ‘dark matter’, this substance appears to make up at least 80 per cent of the matter in the known universe.

Edmondo Burr
About Edmondo Burr 3498 Articles
BA Economics/Statistics CEO