Coca Cola Training Teaches Employees To ‘Be Less White’

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

Coca-Cola is facing a huge backlash after a whisteblower revealed that the company has been “forcing” its employees to complete online training that tells them to “try to be less white.

Coca-Cola allegedly joined a series of American corporations that indoctrinate their white employees with critical race theory

RT reports: Organizational psychologist Karlyn Borysenko, an activist against so-called critical race theory indoctrination, said on Friday that she obtained copies of the training materials from a whistleblower at Coca-Cola who received an email from management announcing the course. The class is administered online, through the LinkedIn Learning platform, and is entitled “Confronting Racism, with Robin DiAngelo,” a top proponent of critical race theory who offers high-dollar corporate seminars on “whiteness, white fragility” and “racial justice.” She is known to charge up to $40,000 for a half-day talk.

A spokesperson from Coca-Cola responded to the images later on Friday, all but confirming they were from a company-endorsed seminar to Blaze journalist Chris Pandolfo, though said it was not the main “focus” of its educational program.

“The video circulating on social media is from a publicly available LinkedIn Learning series and is not a focus of our company’s curriculum,” the spokesperson said, but added that the course is “part of a learning plan to help build an inclusive workplace.”

The heading for the course indicates that it will cover “understanding what it means to be white,” and “challenging what it means to be racist.” Students are told that “to be less white is to: be less oppressive; be less arrogant; be less certain; be less defensive; be less ignorant; be more humble; listen; believe; break with apathy;” and “break with white solidarity.”

It stands to reason that white people inherently have all those undesirable traits, such as being oppressive, arrogant and defensive. The underlying point of the mandatory training is made all by itself on another slide: “Try to be less white.”

“Your job at Coca-Cola should not depend on whether or not you buy into the idea of being less white,” Borysenko said. “It should depend on whether or not you can go in and do your job.”

The anti-racism training course also includes a slide advising that “one-time workshops on racism are not enough.” Employees are told to take such steps as creating “monthly affinity groups, cross-racial discussions, ongoing professional development, and revamped interview questions.”

Borysenko said that advice is all about keeping the money flowing to so-called “diversity trainers” like DiAngelo.

Conservative author and Blexit founder Candace Owens pointed out that if the course endeavored to teach employees how to “be less black, the world would implode and lawsuits would follow. I genuinely hope these employees sue Coca-Cola for blatant racism and discrimination.”

Netizens roasted the company over the leaked images, some even calling on the Department of Justice to investigate how Coca-Cola allegedly “discriminated against” its employees, while one self-avowed business owner said she’d remove a company vending machine from her establishment. The controversy also prompted Donald Trump Jr., the son of the former president, to weigh in.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.