Eton Student Who Shared Child Porn Allowed To Use False Name In Court

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Eton Student Who Made Vile Child Porn Allowed To Use False Name In Court

The former Eton student who was spared jail despite distributing vile child porn images, was allowed to use a false name in court to protect his wealthy family.

Many had began to question whether Andrew Piccard aka Andrew Boeckman, the son of a lawyer, would have received such a light sentence if he had not come from a privileged background…

Boeckman 18, who was found to have more than 2,000 pornographic images of children, some  as young as 2-years-old being raped and forced to have sex with dogs, was reportedly allowed to use his Mother’s maiden name by the UK courts in order to protect his wealthy family’s reputation.

According to Evolve Politics:

Picard, whose real name is Andrew Boeckman, was spared jail and handed an 18-month suspended sentence for ten counts of possessing child pornography.

However, evidence has emerged that the UK courts allowed Mr Boeckman to use his mother’s maiden name in order to protect his wealthy family’s reputation.

Picard’s father, Phillip J Boeckman, is an extremely wealthy lawyer, whose clients have included Goldman Sachs and J P Morgan. 

During the trial of Picard, the judge commented that “Your family didn’t deserve that (suffering) but it is a consequence of this sort of offending. Inevitably your privileged background and where you were going to school added a degree of frissance to the reporting.”

All references to the name Boeckman have been deleted from the internet, but a cached article from The Daily Mirror, which has also now mysteriously been deleted, mentions the Boeckman name.

Picard may have chosen to use his mother’s maiden name before his arrest, but we have obtained evidence from a US local newspaper that shows that he used the Boeckman name as recently as August 2015.


Below is a copy of the full deleted Mirror article, complete with the article mentioning his father, and a picture which confirms it is the same person shown in the photo from the local US newspaper.


Allowing a defendant to use a false name is only acceptable with agreement from the court, and is usually reserved to protect identities of family members in extreme danger of reprisal. Obviously his family are very well versed in the art of ‘persuasion’.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.