FISA Memo To Be Released Within Days As FBI Fire Andrew McCabe

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The House Intelligence Committee has voted to release the FISA abuse memo within the next 5 days as senior FBI officials face disciplinary action for trying to undermine President Trump.

The House Intelligence Committee has voted to release the FISA abuse memo within the next 5 days as senior FBI officials face disciplinary action for trying to undermine President Trump.

Dramatic events unfolded in Washington yesterday as FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was forced to resign after HIS boss, FBI Director Wray, read the FISA memo and saw what deep shit McCabe and fellow conspirators in the “secret society” dragged the crime fighting agency into.

The FBI is supposed to be above reproach, non-partisan, dedicated to applying the law, but the FISA Memo, compiled by Congressman Devan Nunes from information gathered by the House Intelligence Committee, threatens to destroy the FBI’s reputation forever as the cabal around former Director Comey is exposed and it is clear that during and after the Presidential Election in 2016,  they were doing everything possible, inside and outside the law, to protect Hillary Clinton and try to bring down Donald Trump.

McCabe had already signalled he wished to retire at the end of March, but suddenly quits on 29th January, throwing his pension rights to the winds because he knows indictment for his role in the “secret society”, exposed in the FISA Memo, is likely to see him in a prison cell for sedition or worse.

Fox News’ Jake Gibson reported that McCabe was “removed” from his position while CNN’s Jim Acosta reported that a source close to McCabe said that he was pushed out by FBI Director Christopher Wray, who wants to put his own team into FBI leadership.

McCabe’s removal comes a day after Wray was granted access to a House Intelligence Committee memo which alleges that senior FBI and Justice Department officials abused the surveillance warrant process in order to spy on Trump associates.

And yet, despite momentum behind the FISA Memo’s release, its “see no evil hear no evil” for much of the foreign media. Not a sniff of the controversy from globalist outfits like the BBC who will avoid admitting the magnitude of the scandal until they have no other choice. And Daily Mail are breaking the pack, directly linking the McCabe resignation to the Strzok texts. The day of the FISA Memo has come, and with it we will see the death of 16 months of media narrative and an incredible vindication of the Presidency of Donald J. Trump.

President Trump has directly called for the FISA Memo to be released, unusually, not via his Twitter but by the regular press. As the Washington Post wallowed in the melodrama of democracy dying in darkness it was forced to report Trump’s support for #ReleaseTheMemo, begrudgingly admitting that “Trump is inclined to have that released just because it will shed light.”

McCabe has been on Trump’s radar for some time, especially because of the Fusion GPS payments of $700K to McCabe’s wife, but the White House denies direct involvement in yesterday’s decision.

And Your News Wire can CONFIRM the House Intelligence Committee HAS voted to release the FISA Memo 17:00 EST on January 29th. This gives President Trump 5 days to specifically block it or the memo will be released. So that’s a dead certainty!

All eyes are now on the State of the Union Address. The privilege of speech would allow Trump to declassify ANYTHING. It is also rumoured that Trump will announce the extension of GITMO to hold “enemy combatants” and the sealed indictments just hit 13,000.

American’s wanted a drained swamp? Looks like Trump isn’t just draining it, but sandblasting the sides clean too. Dramatic times ahead as the Storm flushes out the sewers in the Land of the Free.

About John White 38 Articles
John White is a truthseeker with years of experience, a veteran of 9/11, Brexit and Trump. Follow his Facebook page