Food Shortages? US Gov’t Has Been Paying Farmers To Destroy Crops and Livestock For Years

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

Mainstream media is warning America to prepare for food shortages. How did the richest country in the world end up in this state?

Listening to the “news” these days, one is led to believe that everything is falling apart economically and agriculturally because Putin decided to invade Ukraine. The truth, however, is that this engineered takedown of the US economy began many years ago and is only now becoming obvious to anyone who cares to see things with their own eyes.

Two years ago when the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) plandemic was launched, it was being reported that the United States government was quietly paying farmers to destroy their own crops and depopulate livestock. Watch the video from below for more:

Via Miami Standard:

This video is from channel “Freedom” on

This was reiterated again about a year ago when actual farmers started sharing videos on social media about how the food supply was being tampered with by government officials. One example of this can be viewed below:

If your family goes hungry, ask your government why it destroyed the food supply with your tax dollars

It would appear as though the plan all along was to quietly start throwing a few wrenches into the supply chain at that time in order to get the ball rolling. It was easy to blame the resulting problems on “COVID,” and this continued for a full two years.

As the two-year anniversary of the plandemic approached, things got increasingly more chaotic. And now we have reached a point of no return, it seems, which is why the narrative shifted from COVID to Vladimir Putin.

The timing of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is suspect because it occurred just as the consequences of several years of planned and engineered famine were really starting to become apparent. This provided cover for the media to blame Putin for even higher gas and food prices and the coming prospect of global food shortages.

For the past month, we have been told that because of the invasion and associated sanctions, natural gas is now in short supply. Natural gas, it turns out, is used to produce the fertilizer for food crops.

It is almost as if somebody wants food to become scarce so that the people become easier to control. With Putin as the new fall guy (it was COVID prior to this), the next engineered phase of the global plandemic can simply be blamed on Russia.

You may recall that we reported numerous times in years past about bad weather conditions that interfered with crop yields. We warned that in the future, these losses would catch up with the supply chain and cause problems.

What we did not know at the time is that a plandemic was going to be launched to create a perfect storm type of situation in which the dominoes would begin to fall more quickly and more severely, creating confusion as to the cause.

This is how the powers that be are keeping all eyes off of themselves. They launch chaos event after chaos event while quietly knocking over the dominoes on purpose in the background undetected.

Watch the two videos above and ask yourself: Why did the American government use American tax dollars to destroy precious food resources? And how is it impacting the world now as the very real prospect of mass starvation looms over the world?

“If we do not hang together against this murderous takeover, we WILL hang separately!” wrote someone at “Opposing this as a majority is our only hope. If we do not stand up together, they will put us down for good.”

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.