Hillary Clinton Under Fire For Framing Assange As ‘Pedo Russian Spy’

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
Hillary Clinton has been linked by internet sleuths to a vicious attempt to frame Wikileaks founder Julian Assange as a pedophile and Russian spy.

Not content with being responsible for Julian Assange’s ongoing arbitrary detention, the US deep state has been linked by internet sleuths to a vicious attempt to frame him as a pedophile – and the paper trail leads all the way to Hillary Clinton.

The vast and elaborate smear campaign – designed to frame Assange as not just a pedophile but also a Russian spy – was slowly unraveled last night by ingenious Reddit users set upon defending the WikiLeaks founder’s honor.

Having felt the tip of Hillary’s America on the verge of thrusting far past his prostate, Julian Assange may just have had his quivering cheeks pulled clear in the nick of time.

The investigation was sparked by a WikiLeaks tweet on Tuesday. It appears when the deep state are not pondering drone strikes or cutting his internet access, they are attempting to assassinate his character.

In an attempt to distract from the Podesta leaks, certain sites on the left began pushing the narrative first presented in the Hillary-loving Daily Kos that Assange’s internet access was cut because he was being investigated on pedophilia charges.

The Daily Kos cited a bogus UN report to back up their claims:

According to a widely shared Oct. 4 “United Nations Report” by a “United Nations Global Compact member organization” called T&C Network Solutions, the Royal Bahamas Police Force conducted a “criminal child sex offenses investigation” of Assange. The report, which is written in the style of a criminal indictment, goes on to state that Assange used a dating site called Toddandclare.com, which is owned by T&C Network Solutions, to send an “8-year-old juvenile (i) unlawful, indecent images and video media of himself performing lewd sex acts on a mobile camera device, and (ii) unlawful obscenity materials of a child pornographic nature.”

All child abuse claims must be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated. So let’s investigate it. As it turns out, the claim has absolutely nothing to do with the UN and the Bahama police say there’s nothing to investigate.

A Buzzfeed reporter spoke to the Royal Bahama Police Force (RBPF) and found out out that no such investigation even exists and the ‘United Nations’ report was entirely fabricated. According to Buzzfeed:

The document details how the Canadian family of the victim, who were vacationing in the Royal Bahamas, reported the alleged crime. The report even gives names of individual Bahamian police officers and stations.

But according to Stephen Dean, assistant commissioner of the Royal Bahama Police Force (RBPF), no such investigation exists. Dean told BuzzFeed News “someone gave us some information” about the case, but that no complainant ever came forward after the initial tip.
“We don’t have nobody to interview,” Dean said.

While the RBPF considers the allegation an open matter, Dean said, he added that “anyone can pick up a phone and tell us something.”

Buzzfeed also pointed out just how easy it is to create these bogus, official-seeming UN reports:

But what about that official-seeming UN document? Why would the august organization issue a report about an investigation implicating one of the world’s most famous dissidents if the investigation didn’t exist?

The short answer: It wouldn’t.

The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) is a voluntary corporate sustainability initiative in which companies sign up to advance human rights, fair labor and anti-corruption practices, and environmental stewardship. With over 12,500 signatories, it’s hardly an exclusive club. According to the UNGC, the organization asks members to write regular updates, often in the shape of a corporate sustainability or annual report. These reports are written entirely by the member organizations, and the UN does not vet them.

T&C Network Solutions used this self-reporting format to upload the document about the investigation into Assange. And uploading this report actually got T&C Network Solutions kicked out of the UNGC.
In a statement, UNGC Communications Chief Carrie A. Hall explained the organization’s decision to delist T&C: “The company was removed from the initiative for violating our Integrity Measures, including misuse of our name and logo. The document that ToddandClare.com reference is not a UN report. It was produced by ToddandClare.com, and solely represents their views. This document was removed from the UN Global Compact website for violating our integrity measures. We are not a party to the dispute between ToddandClare.com and Julian Assange.”

In other words, T&C Network Solutions got delisted from the UNGC by attempting to pass off its report about Assange’s alleged child sex crimes as an official United Nations document. Which raises the question: What is T&C Network Solutions, how is it involved with Julian Assange, and why would it do such a thing?

According to a meticulous WikiLeaks report, T&C were investigated to establish whether it was a real company with business filings and employees – with negative results. It was just a shell created to run an elaborate smear operation.

The investigation yielded damning evidence, including proof the dating site had no real members, despite T&C’s claims. From the report:

ToddAndClare.com’s homepage currently states that they are “The Leading SMS Dating Network” and that “This online dating site is a United Nations Global Compact member, with 100,000+ female singles in the US, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, and RSA, seeking men.” 12 The homepage has a few pictures of women and a brief description of ToddAndClare.com, including “We’re a real couple who started this in Indianapolis”. At the bottom of the homepage is a link to customer service with the email address [email protected]. At the bottom of the homepage, there is the disclaimer “TM & © Todd and Clare. All Rights Reserved.”
A random selection of photos of the women on Toddandclare.com website were investigated to see if they correspond to legitimate users of the site. The investigation revealed that the photos have been obtained from other sites on the Internet, have been slightly cropped, and have been mirrored left to right, a known technique to prevent reverse image search services, such as Google’s Reverse Image Search, from locating the true origin of an image.

All pretty damning, and Assange may have assumed his legal team had done enough to clear his name in the face of a probable mainstream media push to smear him.

But then Reddit got involved and took the investigation to a whole new level.

And guess where the paper trail led?

This goes right to the top. Strap yourself in, sit back and admire the results of the internet hive mind working all night to defend the honor of a man willing to risk his blood for our freedom.

Julian Assange pedophile

Since Your News Wire broke this story early Wednesday morning, David Soloff, who was previously threatening to “drone” investigators, has made his Twitter account private.

After tweeting the story to WikiLeaks, the official account pinned evidence from the article to the top of their page.

Is this all a coincidence, or have Reddit found the smoking gun linking the smear campaign plot against Assange to Clinton compaign actors?

Zero Hedge certainly believe the evidence is damning. With the Podesta leaks wreaking havoc in the DNC, and Hillary Clinton’s longstanding enmity of Assange, the fact a smear campaign shell company shares an office with high-ranking Clinton operatives is too much to ignore.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.