How Biden & His Host University Profit From The Fauci Funded Monkeypox Vaccine

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

The University of Pennsylvania Hospital, where a globalist think tank named after Joe Biden is located, is being financially rewarded for its help in developing the monkeypox vaccine.

The University, which hosts the think tank called the Penn Biden Center and also paid Joe Biden in the lead-up to his run for president, was paid by the Danish company Bavarian Nordic to perform a clinical trial on their monkeypox vaccine.

In return, the think tank not only receives lots of cash, but the senile old president can go back to work there after his term.

Is this not a blatant conflict of interest?

National File reports: That’s right. Joe Biden’s host university profited from helping Bavarian Nordic develop the MVA-BN monkeypox vaccine, according to a University of Pennsylvania document obtained by NATIONAL FILE. The Penn Biden Center is financed by UPenn general funds. The MVA-BN vaccine tested at UPenn is now known in America as the Jynneos monkeypox vaccine.

“The University of Pennsylvania is being paid by Bavarian Nordic,” the 2014 document states. Biden joined UPenn after leaving the vice presidency in 2017. Anthony Fauci used approximately $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to pay Bavarian Nordic for the vaccine and the Biden administration has used over $100 million in taxpayer funds to buy the monkeypox vaccines.

As I also reported, the University of Pennsylvania makes massive money off Coronavirus vaccines. UPenn gets paid by Pfizer’s vaccine partner BioNtech in licensing payments for mRNA technology and UPenn even makes more money if Pfizer-BioNTech sells more vaccines and gets more FDA approvals from the Biden administration, thanks to a deal UPenn made in 2018 when Biden worked for the university.

Here is the University of Pennsylvania document for the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania that invites people to participate in a research study called “Randomized, open-label Phase II trial to assess the safety and immunogenicity of MVA-BN® smallpox vaccine when increasing the number of injections compared to the standard regimen in immunocompromised subjects with HIV infection…”

The document states that “The University of Pennsylvania is being paid by Bavarian Nordic, the sponsor of this trial who is also providing the material to conduct this research trial.”

University of Pennsylvania financial documents obtained by NATIONAL FILE show that the UPenn fund that bankrolls Joe Biden’s think tank the Penn Biden Center makes money in “milestone payments” from the sale of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines and from FDA approvals of the injections. The University of Pennsylvania, which paid Joe Biden prior to his presidential run, was accepting big money from donors apparently to carve out spaces for foreign students at UPenn including from Communist China, and NATIONAL FILE can confirm that internal controversy and a staff shakeup occurred when staff questioned how international funds were being spent. With Joe Biden able to return to the Penn Biden Center after his presidency, Biden puts himself in a position to personally profit from the vaccines he is pushing. Pfizer-BioNTech is trying to get a new authorization for a child booster for 5 to 11 year olds.

Under the watch of UPenn president Amy Gutmann, massive amounts of money have flowed into the university’s funds apparently to import students from around the world including from Communist China and the “People’s Republic of China” with administrator notes including “MAKE SURE STUDENT IS FROM CHINA…” Amy Gutmann, the UPenn president who oversaw the establishment of Joe Biden’s think tank the Penn Biden Center in 2018, is now Biden’s Ambassador to Germany. There were arguments in the UPenn administration about where the Chinese-oriented money and other foreign money was going. Some insiders questioned how funds for international students were being managed without transparency, and the arguments led to a staff overhaul. The controversy stemmed from funds set aside for international students.

UPenn’s China links are numerous, as evidenced by its Center for the Study of Contemporary China and the Penn Wharton China Center. In 2019, UPenn’s foreign donations spiked approximately 389 percent

The Penn Biden Center is housed on the UPenn campus and in Washington, D.C. pulling funds directly from the general funds of the University of Pennsylvania, and Joe Biden or his surrogates can return to the Penn Biden Center after his presidency. Joe Biden’s think tank was previously managed by his current Secretary of State Tony Blinken. One donation specified “$25k each” in payment to UPenn in exchange for “Students from the People’s Republic of China admitted…”

Documents obtained by NATIONAL FILE show that the University of Pennsylvania, which hosts and funds Joe Biden’s think tank called the Penn Biden Center, directly profits from the sale of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna Coronavirus vaccines. The University gets more money if more vaccines are sold. The University of Pennsylvania also gets “milestone payments” when the Biden administration’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves a Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, which represents a massive conflict of interest for Biden. BioNTech pays the University of Pennsylvania Board of Trustees directly, and the university is protected from civil liability if people try to sue for “bodily injury” or “death” caused by BioNTech vaccines.

BioNTech signed a licensing agreement in 2018 with the University of Pennsylvania, which directly funds the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. Even though Coronavirus had not yet leaked out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology when the deal was made, the 2018 agreement ensured massive payments for the University of Pennsylvania if its technology ended up getting used in new mRNA-based vaccines. Well, UPenn’s technology did end up getting used in the mRNA-based Coronavirus vaccine produced by Pfizer and BioNTech, and the deal has led to massive revenue for the university. Joe Biden, who was working for the University of Pennsylvania when the deal was made, received more than $900,000 from the University of Pennsylvania in the two years before he ran for president in this past election.

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Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15206 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.