Medical Doctor Apologizes For Vaccine Ignorance

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

A brave physician has spoken out factually about vaccines.

Dr.Daniel Neides was neither anti-vaccine nor 100% pro-vaccine, but simply wanted an honest discussion about vaccines.

He was fired after writing an article which questioned vaccine safety.

It all started in 2016 when the former healthcare physician at the Cleveland Clinic was working for a medical facility where it was mandatory for all employees to receive the annual flu vaccine.

He, along with four other employees received the “preservative-free” flu jabs and immediately all five of them contracted the flu!

Natural Blaze reports:

That “aha” event made Dr. Neides check into the flu vaccine ingredients and realize even though the label stated it contained “no preservative,” it contained formaldehyde. Formaldehyde! That fact was shocking to him, so he decided to research further into vaccine ingredients. The further he investigated, the more he became incensed, it seems.

Dr. Neides realized after reading Dr. Paul Thomas’s book, Vaccine Friendly Plan there are some super serious questions to be asked regarding the Hepatitis B vaccines given to infants within 24 hours of birth whereby 250 nanograms of ALUMINUM are injected into newborns whose immune systems are not fully developed! At that point of his research he realized, “What have I done to my own family?”

As a result of his investigations, Dr. Neides has become a “pro patient” physician who believes in and practices fully-informed consent on the part of the patient. He believes patients should know the risks versus the benefits. He further believes in the Geneva Convention’s dictate “no medical intervention without patients’ consent”—something that does not happen regarding the administration of vaccines/vaccinations in the United States. Parents and healthcare consumers are told vaccines are safe and effective, but not given the information in vaccines package inserts explaining Contraindications, Adverse Reactions, and Ingredients!

Vaccines are in direct violation of the medical oath doctors take: First, do no harm!

Dr. N found there was ethylmercury and aluminum in many vaccines, especially those given to infants, toddlers, and teens, which potentially can and do lead to acute and chronic diseases.

Doctor further relates how he cautioned pregnant females about not eating tuna fish while pregnant due to its mercury content, but he became horror-struck at the fact when he realized he was mandated to give pregnant mothers a flu vaccine containing mercury! That made no scientific sense to him.

He shares that in medical school there was no education around vaccines; no discussion of the 1986 vaccine law, which exonerates vaccine makers from vaccine damage liabilities; he was taught to memorize the vaccine schedules; there was no discussion of the HRSA vaccine claimants’ damage payouts, which now are close to $4 Billion for vaccine damages to vaccinees!

Furthermore, he’s quick to point out the conflicts of interest regarding physicians and vaccines. See my August 2017 article “The Unknown Reasons Doctors Push Vaccines.

However, the most humbling of personality traits Dr. Neides possesses is his genuine remorse for not knowing about vaccines and the harms he inadvertently may have caused patients. He apologizes profusely in the video below, which is very humbling to see and hear—a medical doctor remorseful for not knowing what he should have known to be able to prevent health harms to patients.

David Neides, MD
32-minute talk before Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom

Dr. Neides says, “We are a very sick population.” We are spending $3.5 Trillion or 18 percent of GDP on healthcare! By 2040, we will be spending 33 percent of GDP on healthcare!

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.