Mia Farrow Confesses: ‘Satanic Hollywood Elites Rape and Eat Children’

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
A taped phone call between Mia Farrow and Woody Allen has been released that reveals the full horror of the Hollywood director's sexual abuse of his 7-year-old step-daughter, Dylan.

A taped phone call between Mia Farrow and Woody Allen has been released that reveals the full horror of the Hollywood director’s sexual abuse of his 7-year-old step-daughter, Dylan.

But Woody wasn’t finished by just having his evil way with just one of Farrow’s children. He also had a relationship with her adopted daughter, Soon-Yi. So how did Hollywood react?

Hollywood’s favorite pervy step-dad Woody Allen is still being defended by Hollywood royalty, and those who won’t go as far as defending him say they want to “remain neutral.”

Good people do not “remain neutral” while 7-year-old girls are being raped.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Evil is triumphing in Hollywood. Listen:

Well-known reprobates like Hollywood director Woody Allen and convicted sex offender Harvey Weinstein are far from the only predators in Hollywood with powerful political connections. There are a lot more cockroaches under those floorboards.

Before we dive in, make sure to subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already, and join the People’s Voice Locals community for exclusive and uncensored content.

Former child stars Corey Feldman and Elijah Wood have bravely spoken out about the “pedophilia epidemic” rampant in Hollywood, while the industry continues attempting to normalize pedophilia by celebrating and defending child molesters in their ranks. 

Watch as Barbara Walters tells Corey Feldman he’s damaging the industry by revealing the truth:

These are the same people who gave Hollywood director Roman Polanski an Oscar and a standing ovation after he’d fled the US over charges of raping a 12-year-old child.

But they can’t hold back the truth forever. Brave Hollywood insiders are continuing to come forward and blow the whistle on the sickness at the heart of the entertainment industry.

Isaac Kappy, a Hollywood insider who was known for his appearances in Thor, Fanboys and Terminator Salvation among other roles, took to YouTube to open up about pedophilia in Hollywood, naming and shaming various A-list stars and industry names.

Describing pedophilia as “the Hollywood sickness“, Kappy says, “At the top level, these people are just sick and psycho. This is what’s sad about this. A lot of people are born into it,” he said, describing a broad Hollywood culture of abuse against children.

Kappy exposed A-list stars including Tom Hanks, Michael Jackson, and Steven Spielberg, claiming they will all be remembered by future generations as notorious abusers on par with Jimmy Savile, the notorious elite British child abuser.

Allegations against Spielberg of this nature are not new. Crispin Glover, who played Marty McFly’s father George McFly in “Back to the Future,” also accused Spielberg of pedophilia in a 2013 essay.

And the claims against Tom Hanks continue piling up. Sarah Ruth Ashcraft announced that she was sold for sex by her father at age 13 years and raped by Hollywood star Tom Hanks.

Kappy also accused senior Hollywood elites of indulging in “cannibalism”, and says the elite Rothschild banking family are connoisseurs of human flesh.

Executives in the mainstream news media also have a taste for pedophilia and cannibalism, according to Kappy. Mark Thompson, “who runs the New York Times,” and “ran the BBC for years” is involved in these dark practices and is complicit in covering up the crimes of high-level abusers in the entertainment industry.

Kappy said he first became aware of the dark side of Hollywood as a pre-teen in Los Angeles.

“The situation had to punch me in the face before I realized I was in the middle of some crazy f*cking shit,” says Kappy, who suggested — but did not outright claim — that he had inappropriate relations with Spielberg as a child.

Kappy also challenged Spielberg to sue him. Kappy said he knew so many of Spielberg’s secrets he would destroy the veteran director in court during the discovery phase.

“Let’s do discovery,” Kappy said, in a direct challenge to the veteran director.

But Isaac Kappy died in May 2019 with mainstream media reports saying he committed suicide by jumping off a bridge in Arizona. Before his death, an Instagram message captioned, “Beware the man that has nothing to lose, for he has nothing to protect,” was posted to his account.

Was Kappy silenced for his views? As a successful and popular Hollywood insider with a social media following of millions of young people around the world, he was in a position to redpill the masses.

As the untimely deaths of a growing number of anti-pedophile activists proves, this type of work can be incredibly dangerous in today’s world.

Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Avicii, and Anne Heche all spoke out about child abuse in the entertainment industry.

Mainstream media and fact checkers are desperate to portray these deaths as a coincidence.

But anyone who has had anything to do with a pedophile will understand that they pain they cause does not go away. Meet Marianne Bachmeier who smuggled a handgun into a courtroom and shot Klaus Grabowski, the man who raped and murdered her 7-year-old child.

Her pain can’t be understood unless you’ve lost a child to a pedophile.

The World Economic Forum in conjunction with the United Nations just called for the worldwide decriminalization of child rape and pedophilia. The global elite have been attempting to normalize pedophilia behind the scenes for years now – and now we are seeing the fruits of their labor right out in the open.

A new report from the United Nations has called for all forms of drug use and sexual activity to be decriminalized globally.

There is a war going on and the elite and their puppets in politics and entertainment are becoming more brazen in their plans to destroy families and target our children.

Do not comply.

It is more important than ever before to stand your ground and refuse to hand over your birthright to the globalist elite.

Here at the People’s Voice we are determined to continue reporting on the crimes of the globalist elite and exposing their agenda to as many people as possible. But we need your help. Share this video far and wide to help spread the word and join the People’s Voice Locals Community to support the channel, join the club, and receive exclusive and uncensored content.

I hope to see you there.


Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.