Saudi Airstrikes Kill More Civilians In Yemen

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
More Civilians Killed In Saudi Airstrikes In Yemen

Twenty civilians have been killed  and at least 30 others were injured in Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen.

Children were among those killed in the strikes which struck the city of Hodeida on Thursday according to a government official.

RT reports: The strikes hit the Suq al-Hunod district of the port city, the official in the government of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi told AFP. The presidential palace was also hit.

Children were among the fatalities photographed at a city mortuary.

Photos from the neighborhood showed residents searching through piles of rubble in search for survivors.

Dr. Khaled Suhail, a physician at Al-Thawra hospital in Hodeida, said the facility received 12 dead and 30 wounded from the strikes.

The government official said the residential area was “probably hit in error.”

The deaths are the latest in Saudi Arabia’s 18-month bombing campaign in support of the government of Sunni President Hadi.

Todays airstrikes come just three days after Amnesty International urged the US to stop shipping weapons which could be used in the Yemen conflict after new data confirmed that a US-made bomb was used in a hospital attack in August.

Meanwhile, on Wednesday the US Senate gave the greenlight for a $1.15 billion sale of tanks, guns and other military equipment to Saudi Arabia by blocking a bill  that opposed the controversial transaction.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.