MSNBC: ‘Pro-Life Republicans Want to Jail Rape Victims’

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MSNBC claims pro-life Republicans want to jail rape victims

MSNBC shamelessly informed viewers on Monday that pro-life Republicans plan to put rape victims in prison for taking the morning-after pill.

Yes, really.

Host Nicolle Wallace and her frenzied far-left feminist panel spent most of the show trying to scare Americans over SCOTUS eventually ruling on a Mississippi abortion law that passed in 2018. reports: The state law bans abortions after 15 weeks where the mother or baby was not in danger. Apparently, that is radical and extreme to the majority of Americans, at least according to MSNBC’s Wallace. She declared, “Just the decision to take up this case really strikes fear in the hearts of everyone who cares about this issuewhich if you look at polls is 65% of Americans that support reproductive freedoms.”

Former Democrat Senator and MSNBC analyst Claire McCaskill then lectured women younger than her who don’t remember life before Roe while she savagely smeared pro-life advocates as callous to rape victims:

And you know I got to tell you Nicolle, I don’t think younger voters remember what it was like before Roe V. Wade.  I don’t think they realize these folks will not be happy until a rape victim is put in prison for taking the morning-after pill. That’s the road they are going down. That’s the road they’ve been trying do go down for a long time even though they are really pushing provisions that are widely rejected by the vast majority of Americans. 

An enthralled Wallace wanted to hear more about the terrifying future Republicans supposedly wanted for women. She wondered to McCaskill if “just the decision to take up this case is ominous enough?”

McCaskill predicted that if the court upheld the law, every state that voted for Donald Trump would “immediately” make abortion virtually illegal:

They will immediately begin shutting down the ability of women to have the freedom to choose to terminate a pregnancy with all kinds of limitations and then eventually they’ll keep pushing the cases up until there are none left except the few states that might make it legal,” she feared.

Wallace couldn’t get enough of the panic porn. “It’s such a terrifying thought,” she gushed. McCaskill warned that it would be a “wake up call” to young women who were fortunate enough to never have had experienced the fear of an unplanned pregnancy, and she hoped they would drive the upcoming election: 

“This will all be a wake-up call. This will be a shock to their systems. And we have more young people voting this last time. If the court does this, I predict that young women will be a driving force in the midterm elections. Especially if those who support reproductive freedoms are doing their job,” she proclaimed.

After moaning again about how “chilling” this news was, Wallace invited McCaskill to whine with her over Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson using the pro-abortion rhetoric of “my body, my choice” when it came to taking the COVID-19 vaccine. Wallace fumed at the Republican “hypocrisy” moving to the “front burner of the culture wars.” 

McCaskill AGAIN smeared pro-life conservatives as heartless to teenage sexual assault victims:

People don’t understand what happens with incest. The young girls who are the victims of incest don’t tell people. It is the most torturous, painful secret that they keep. And when those young girls get pregnant from a stepfather or a father or an uncle, they don’t immediately speak up or understand they’re pregnant. So what Mississippi is saying, if you come forward after 15 weeks you must have your father’s baby, you must have your uncle’s baby but on the other side of their mouth saying no problem if you don’t want to take a vaccine. These guys have a lot of nerve. 

As the segment wrapped up, Wallace hyped the “horrifying” reality before us that Donald Trump set in place with his picks for the Supreme Court. She asked SCOTUS blog writer and attorney Katie Barlow what “65% of Americans who support reproductive freedoms” could cling to as their “best-case scenario”?

Barlow affirmed her fears that it was unlikely the court would rule against the law but she hoped it would be a “very narrow ruling,” at least.

Read transcript portions below:

Deadline: White House


NICOLLE WALLACE: Claire McCaskill, you and I co sort of talked the way through the confirmation of at least the last two Trump appointees. This was Trump’s goal. Just the decision to take up this case really strikes fear in the hearts of everyone that cares about this issue which if you look at polls is 65% of Americans that support reproductive freedoms.

CLAIRE MCCASKILL: This may be the situation that is often described as the dog catching the bus and what happens in America in terms of the political climate if in fact this court overturns decades of precedent and fails to protect women’s reproductive freedoms via this Mississippi case. And you know I got to tell you Nicolle, I don’t think younger voters remember what it was like before Roe V. Wade.  I don’t think they realize these folks will not be happy until a rape victim is put in prison for taking the morning-after pill. That’s the road they are going down. That’s the road they’ve been trying do go down for a long time even though they are really pushing provisions that are widely rejected by the vast majority of Americans. 

WALLACE: Claire, what do you make of the early reaction, just the decision to take up this case is ominous enough? 

MCCASKILL: Yeah. I think what will happen if this case is upheld and if you look at the tea leaves you have to believe it’s going to be upheld. Then look at all of the Republican dominated legislatures in all of the states that’s voted for Donald Trump. They will immediately begin shutting down the ability of women to have the freedom to choose to terminate a pregnancy with all kinds of limitations and then eventually they’ll keep pushing the cases up until there are none left except the few states that might make it legal. That’s the way it was before Roe V. Wade was passed by the court, what? 40, 50 years ago. 

WALLACE:  It’s such a terrifying thought and I think you are right on the generational point. I want to give you a chance to say more about what’s at stake. 

MCCASKILL: I don’t — for young women who went to planned parenthood in college and got birth control, for young woment have never known the fear of an unwanted pregnancy, have never known what that represents in their lives if there is not a safe and legal place to terminate a pregnancy, this will all be a wakeup call. This will be a shock to their systems. And we have more young people voting this last time. If the court does this, I predict that young women will be a driving force in the midterm elections. Especially if those who support reproductive freedoms are doing their job. 

WALLACE: You know Erin It was such a chilling — I will never forget covering the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and then the confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett because everyone talked about all that was at stake and this came up. I wonder first your thoughts about the decision and same question to you about what’s at stake. 


WALLACE: Katie, let me just follow up on that, I mean I—guess the point being— it is indicative of how far to the right. I mean Roberts doesn’t even matter! So Roberts sides again with the liberal justices–It doesn’t matter how he rules — say he goes with them again. If you’re betting on Brett Kavanaugh as your swing vote that might actually be why people are so anxious.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.