One Hundred Thousand Attend Bernie Sanders Rally, Media Remains Silent

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
One hundred thousand people attend Bernie Sanders rally, amid a media blackout

Bernie Sanders had almost 100,000 people show up at a recent rally on Memorial Day in Oakland, a record breaking number which the mainstream press failed to report on. 

The media silence continued when a further impressive 10,000 showed up to another rally he gave at a campus at UC Davis, proving that a concerted effort by the elite is underway to prevent a Sanders nomination.

American Everyman reports:

Had Hillary and her sycophantic ladder-climbers in the DNC not been stealing the Democrat Party primary, it would have been over months ago. Bernie Sanders (like him, love him or tolerate him) should already be the nominee and if that were the case, Donald Trump would probably drop out of the race considering the fact that he trails Bernie in ever poll ever taken thus far.

Unfortunately, the MSM has already cancelled exit polling for Kentucky, California and New Jersey setting up yet another election fraud via electronic voting machines. They’re going to flip the switch in Cali and Jersey (they already did in several states Hillary “won” including Kentucky) we just have to know that is coming.

Chris “Sloshmouth” Mathews has already made public MSNBC will be announcing Hillary as the “winner” at 8pm eastern time this coming Tuesday while the polls are still open in California. He bases that erroneous conclusion on the fact that Hillary by then should have enough delegates to “win” the nomination… if you include the “superdelegates” who don’t actually vote until the convention, ergo, Hillary will not have “won” anything this coming Tuesday.

And in all likelihood if these sorts of numbers are any indication, Bernie Sanders would crush Hillary in California if her peeps didn’t hold a magic bullet in the form of access to electronic voting machines and the State Attorney Generals who regulate their usage (a little shout out to the Hillary fan from Kentucky)

Point is, the establishment doesn’t want too see a President Bernie. That might be a little too close to a President Jimmy for their tastes. And they know full well if Bernie is the candidate from the left, that’s what they will get.

By keeping a lid on the size of Bernie’s rallies, the MSM is helping to produce a narrative that the primary election will be close. I don’t think it will be. If Cali used paper ballots, Sanders would wipe the floor with Corrupt Killary, especially considering all the recent news about her email deception.

People wonder why it is that folks like myself say #NeverHillary. I don’t find it that hard too understand. She’s a war-criminal, a liar, a war-profiteer and a reactionary neoliberal ass-clown. Just like her husband, Viagra Willy.

In short, she’s a republican way to the right of Reagan, Nixon and Bush Sr. She makes me sick. She makes a lot of people sick apparently, that’s why they show up at Bernie rallies and hope against all hope she and her raving band of neoliberal billionaire worshippers don’t continue to steal the election… but they will.

So make yourselves ready folks. Killary will “win”, Mathews will drool, Maddow will squirt and all of them will start a campaign of hatred toward us “extremists” who want something better from the left side of our one party, Business Party, system.

But as they rant and rave at us for not coming together to support a proven war-monger, remember this: we really are the majority and it isn’t even close.

Folks think the Republicans are fractured right now? You just wait. Just wait til the Hillarybots turn on the majority of the real left in this country. See what that gets them. Talk about down-ballot races… lol. It’s be a slaughter.

The irony here is that the last time electronic voting machines were used to such a degree, it was for the benefit of a Bush, family friends and vacation partners of the Clintons. Says a lot when you think about it.

Sean Adl-Tabatabai
About Sean Adl-Tabatabai 18013 Articles
Having cut his teeth in the mainstream media, including stints at the BBC, Sean witnessed the corruption within the system and developed a burning desire to expose the secrets that protect the elite and allow them to continue waging war on humanity. Disturbed by the agenda of the elites and dissatisfied with the alternative media, Sean decided it was time to shake things up. Knight of Joseon (