Our Establishment is running scared about historic child sex abuse

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Our Establishment is running scared about historic child sex abuse

Fiona Woolf, former president of the Law Society and current Lord Mayor of London, was the victim of a kangaroo court – but she was wrong to take the job chairing the government inquiry into historic child sex abuse.

The Telegraph reports:-‘Fiona Woolf, who has been appointed to chair the government inquiry into historic child abuse, was subjected to an interrogation on Tuesday. I strongly recommend watching the proceedings. They shed light on our weird current public culture.

Mrs Woolf appeared before the Home Affairs Select Committee of the House of Commons. She had a hard time. The essential charge against her was that she was a member of the “Establishment” and therefore (as if by iron logic) unsuitable for the task.

The committee thought she had a record as long as your arm. She is a former president of the Law Society. She is the current Lord Mayor of London. It was even held against her that she had recently led a Corporation of London delegation to Bahrain shortly after Amnesty International had published reports of child abuse in that country. (If such a visit was disgraceful, no delegations would ever come to Britain, since reports about child abuse here are published virtually every week.)’

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Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.