P Diddy Insider: ‘Sickening’ Child Sex Tapes Involving Elite VIPs Given to FBI

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Sean "Diddy" Combs' former bodyguard has blown the whistle on the depraved exploits of his former employer, admitting that there were top politicians, A-list celebrities, and royals at Diddy's infamous "freak off" parties.

Sean “Diddy” Combs’ former bodyguard has blown the whistle on the depraved exploits of his former employer, admitting that there were top politicians, A-list celebrities, and royals at Diddy’s infamous “freak off” parties.

Industry sources warned for years that Diddy’s parties were one of the global elite’s playgrounds where they could satisfy their worst impulses with trafficked minors and coerced child stars.

All of this occurred in households which were bugged with cameras and microphones in every room.

Now, according to Gene Deal, who spent years by Diddy’s side, compromising videos of Hollywood elites and politicians are in the hands of the feds, providing powerful blackmail material.

If you are thinking this sounds an awful lot like a former financier who was found dead in suspicious circumstances in his prison cell, you are not wrong. It’s time to connect the dots.

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Some of the world’s most well-connected and powerful industry pedophiles are panicking following news that federal agents are preparing to subpoena Sean “Diddy” Comb’s private jet manifests.

More than 100 high-profile names are expected to be questioned regarding the nature of their close ties to Combs, who is being investigated as part of a major sex trafficking probe.

The lawsuit filed by producer Rodney Jones claims Sean “Diddy” Combs used his affiliation with politicians including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and royals including Prince Harry, along with household name music industry figures, to attract a celebrity-studded crowd when throwing sex-trafficking parties where sexual abuse allegedly occurred.

Now, Diddy’s ex-girlfriend is reportedly cooperating with the feds. According to TMZ she’s been helping them for a few weeks. She previously accused him of rape, abuse and sex trafficking.

We have been warning for years that Diddy is the Epstein of the music industry and now it appears the mainstream media is catching up.

But as usual they are only giving their audience ten percent of the story. In reality, Diddy is just the tip of the iceberg, the sacrificial lamb to cover something much bigger, much darker and much more shocking.

Love him or loathe him, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned us years ago that the global elite plan to normalize pedophilia in the West. According to Putin, the global elite engage in Satan worship and pedophilia is their vice. “Do as thou wilt” is their motto.

As evidence continues to emerge about the private lives of politicians, celebrities, and royalty, it appears Putin was correct.

Prince Charles and Prince Andrew were both best friends with the most notorious international pedophiles of their day. They are not just a couple of bad apples. The rot is institutional.

The Queen paid millions to stop Andrew’s sex abuse allegations being investigated. Charles wrote to the Child Abuse Inquiry about another of his pedo pals, Bishop Peter Ball.

Jimmy Savile treated Buckingham Palace like home and Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell enjoyed time in the Queen’s log cabin.

As Netflix launches their new hit show Scoop about Prince Andrew’s car-crash Newsnight interview, Sonia Poulton says the media is covering up the real story as usual.

The story also involves compromised world leaders whose strings are pulled by the global elite.

Canadians are watching in horror as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau slowly and deliberately destroys the fabric of their once proud country.

Everybody in Canadian political circles understands that Young Global Leader Trudeau is compromised, nothing more than a puppet of the Davos elite.

Trudeau’s own half-brother Kyle Kemper acknowledged as much, admitting the elite have blackmail material on the former school teacher who suddenly left his job mid-term without an adequate explanation.

Trudeau is one of many. Biden, another weak leader who can’t keep his wandering hands off young girls whenever they are in his vicinity, is another example.

Rumors have it that it goes to the very top of the globalist elite structure as moves by the World Economic Forum in Davos recently suggest that where there is smoke there is fire.

According to Klaus Schwab and his globalist cronies, pedophiles must be added to the protected class of citizens in Western countries who identify as LGBTQ and enjoy the benefits of hate crime protection.

The attempt to normalize pedophilia has been playing out before our very eyes for years. And who better to desensitize the masses than their favorite stars.

Oprah has been taking every opportunity to quietly and deceptively undermine traditional family values for years now.

According to Bill Maher, a relationship between a thirty-something and a 12-year-old child is totally fine and society should stop being so uptight.

And obviously CNN takes every opportunity to slip in some pro-pedophilia content among the rest of the trash they peddle. According to the network’s Chief Legal Analyst, Jeffrey Toobin, who was suspended briefly for masturbating live on a Zoom call in 2020, pedophiles caught with child pornography should get lighter sentences these days because… the internet made them do it?

You can’t make this up.

We haven’t even got to the head of the snake yet. Hollywood. The entertainment industry. Responsible for brainwashing the masses for decades, Hollywood is widely understood to be controlled by Satanic pedophiles.

Meet John Paul Rice. He’s an L.A. based film producer who worked on Jerry Bruckheimer’s Remember the Titans before producing a string of critically acclaimed films.

According to Rice, the entertainment industry is run by elite pedophiles who traffic and sacrifice children for their own depraved pleasure. And most of these kids don’t live beyond 7 or 8 years old.

If you want to live in a world that is safe for our children, it’s time to make a stand.

Here at the People’s Voice we are determined to continue exposing the crimes of the global elite but we need your help. Join us in our mission by subscribing to the channel, telling your friends and family about us, and joining the People’s Voice Locals community for exclusive and uncensored content. I hope to see you there.


Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.