Partners Of The Rothschild Family Implicated In Elitist NXIVM Sex Cult

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

Billionaire heiress Clair Bronfman, whose family has close ties to the Rothschild’s, is ‘protecting’ Allison Mack and others, via a defense fund federal prosecutors revealed in court filings last year.

A Brooklyn federal judge has ordered a full disclosure of all who are contributing to the fund and wants to start the trial by the end of April this year.

Collective Evolution reports: In March of last year, Smallville actress Allison Mack was ‘outed’ for being a member of a cult and working in a management capacity. Apparently, Mack’s job was to lure women into the program under the false pretense of female empowerment and self-help workshops. They were then convinced them to sign up for a more “advanced program” called Dominus Obsequious Sororium, which required these women to basically turn their lives over to the leader, Keith Raniere. Dominus Obsequious Sororium is a quasi-Latin phrase that roughly translates to “Master Over The Slave Women.”

Raniere owns a company called NXIVM, which supposedly offers executive success programs, but clearly, that’s not the case. Raniere was also arrested, along with Mack, in March 2018 in Mexico on charges of sex trafficking. He stands accused of raping girls as young as 12 years old, imprisoning a woman for 18 months, and more. He has been kept in federal custody in New York.

A few months after these revelations, billionaire Clare Bronfman was indicted on racketeering charges. These charges were connected to her role as “Operations Director” for NXIVM. Clare Bronfman is the daughter of Charles Bronfman, a Canadian/American businessman and philanthropist.

The Bronfman family has been referred to as the “The Rothschilds of the New World” by author Peter C. Newman, a well-known Canadian journalist and writer. The Bronfman family has also been in business with the Rothschild family for quite some time. One of many examples is their wealth management company, Bronfman Rothschild, which began in 1997 as Virchow Krause Wealth Management. After being rebranded as Baker Tilly Investment Advisors in 2009, the firm was then purchased together by the Bronfman and Rothschild families in 2013.

This is interesting to note because of the rumours regarding elite families like the Rothschilds and their involvement in elite level sex trafficking, pedophilia, and ritualistic abuse, which is a growing issue amongst global leaders and elitist groups including the Vatican. Proof of the Vatican’s ties to these types of crimes has already emerged, with George Pell being the latest example; however, concrete proof of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers involvement has yet to surface. But I feel it’s important to note these connections.

The most recent update in regards to the NXIVM case is that the prosecutors have now come forward saying that this billionaire heir (Clare) is protecting her partners with massive amounts of money through a defence trust fund.

As many of you reading this may know, these powers completely control mainstream news, which is why you won’t see much of this discussed by their media mouthpieces. Nevertheless, it’s become too public to hide or try to cover up.

The New York Post recently reported:

A Brooklyn federal judge is hauling the members of upstate sex cult Nxivm into court — saying he’s found some “issues” with a defense fund that prosecutors claim was set up by Seagrams heiress Clare Bronfman to help her cronies at the upcoming trial.

Prosecutors have said Bronfman set up the irrevocable trust to keep her fellow cultists in line as they head to trial by paying for top-notch defense attorneys.

Judge Nicholas Garaufis held an initial hearing on the issue last month, where he ruled that documentation related to everyone contributing to the trust must be turned over.

The key statement here is “everyone contributing to the trust.”

Bronfman has been outed as aiding cult leader Raniere to run his “self help” group, which prosecutors are alleging contained a secret inner circle of masters and slaves.

It will be interesting to see who else is contributing to the trust if their names are disclosed to the public.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.