Plans are being drawn to curb Scottish MPs’ voting rights

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‘Tory MPs last night warned they could throw out the entire plan to hand greater powers to Scotland unless the huge ‘subsidy’ paid by English taxpayers via the so-called Barnett formula is also ended

Plans are being drawn up to curb Scottish MPs’ voting rights, amid English anger at the sweeteners offered to persuade voters north of the border to reject independence.

Government sources say David Cameron and Nick Clegg are ‘very aware’ of backbench fury over the hastily pulled together ‘devo max’ proposals.

But any move to restrict MPs’ voting rights will be opposed by many senior Labour figures, who will try to push back a deal until after the next election.

Tory MPs last night warned they could throw out the entire plan to hand greater powers to Scotland unless the huge ‘subsidy’ paid by English taxpayers via the so-called Barnett formula is also ended.

Deputy Prime Minister Clegg said yesterday that it was ‘simply not fair’ to hand sweeping new powers to Scotland without also limiting the right of Scottish MPs to vote on English matters at Westminster.

The Lib Dem leader was confronted on the issue by a series of angry English callers on his phone-in show on LBC.

They questioned why England should continue to subsidise Scottish policies such as free care for the elderly, free university tuition and free prescriptions, which are not available south of the border.

The Prime Minister has avoided discussing the issue in recent weeks, for fear of handing a propaganda victory to the SNP.’

Read More: Plans are being drawn to curb Scottish MPs’ voting rights


Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.