Globalist Pope Francis Rapidly Building Vatican Army

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Pope Francis has gathered an army of between "ten to twelve thousand highly trained soldiers" according to estimates by Vatican observers.

Pope Francis has quietly gathered an army of between “ten to twelve thousand highly trained soldiers” according to conservative estimates by Vatican observers, and plans to use these militants to help usher in the New World Order in Europe.

Vatican observers, unsettled by the pontiff’s actions, have started to joke that Francis is no longer head of a church with a military unit, but is now head of an army with a religious arm.

The Vatican has one of the oldest standing military units in the world, the Pontifical Swiss Guard, formed in 1506 by Pope Julius II, and generally throughout history this private militia, populated by top ex-Swiss soldiers, has functioned as a personal bodyguard service for the Pontiff. Total numbers have rarely exceeded one hundred.

Observers were first intrigued and then alarmed to witness Pope Francis increase these numbers dramatically upon assuming the papacy, with figures now conservatively estimated at “ten to twelve thousand” free standing elite warriors under his command, with further recruitment drives planned.

Popular opinion in the Vatican has it that the Pope is responding to current wars, natural disasters, and famine, and feels the need for an increased military presence, more than any of his predecessors in history. When the New World Order control Europe, there will be a need for vastly increased, highly-trained military presence in society.

L’Observatore Romano, the semi-official newspaper of the Holy See, says that a “climate for war” is being accelerated by the “terrifying crisis” currently striking the European Union’s major players, threatening to collapse them.  Behind closed doors the Pope is said to believe the coming European crisis will be a Holy War, and the Vatican will have a role to play.

The Pope’s recent visit to South and Central America was partly a recruitment drive, a call to arms for the world’s masses to join the New Wold Order.  He issued an invitation to immediate and direct action to thousands of physically able, devout young men and recruited them to his cause.

There have been similar recruitment drives in Eastern Europe, with plans to recruit from Ireland and the Philippines in coming months.

Western mainstream media has been strangely quiet as the Pope rapidly increases the number of the Pontifical Swiss Guards, and so far Francis has controlled his army as he sees fit, without recourse to the United Nations or any of the countries involved in the Syrian war.

Pope Francis considers himself above the law of men, and it is unclear at present whether the Pope’s army falls out of the jurisdiction of the UN, or if Francis is, as he believes, above their law.

Pope Francis sees himself as the Pope for the end times,” a Vatican source told L’Observatore Romano. [The previous Pope] “Benedict XVI was removed from the papacy to make way for Francis, as Francis is the pontiff for the end times, and the end times are knocking on the door.”

Pope Francis has also issued calls to arms in several daily homilies in the chapel of the Vatican guest house. He has shared devilish stories with the small congregations. They have sat rapt in attention as this intelligent Jesuit pope homilized on previously taboo topics within the church.

Promising to speak about forgiveness, Francis regularly goes off topic, instead delivering loquacious, unscripted rants to the congregation, gaining enthusiasm as he continues, speaking faster and faster as secrets and future plans for his gathered army fall from his lips in a manner unthinkable in any of his predecessor popes.

Pope Francis dreams of uniting mankind under the banner of the New World Order, according to close confidants in the Vatican. The Jesuit pope is a Communist at heart, and he reviles the Western world, and in particular America, as an impediment to the final takeover of the globalist cabal.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.