Big Pharma To Test Zika Virus Vaccines On Humans

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Zika virus

The quest to find a vaccine for the Zika virus is on as the World Health Organization announce the virus is spreading “explosively” and the National Institute for Health officially declare the outbreak to be pandemic.

The vaccine funding is already in place…and so is worldwide fear.

At least three pharmaceutical companies are either considering or actively pursing programs, including giants *GlaxoSmithKline GSK , and *Sanofi SNY. But the company that appears to be the farthest along is a relatively small $500 million market cap biotech named Inovio Pharmacuetucals.

Truth Kings Report:

According to financial news site,, Inovio Pharma has announced it plans to start testing the Zika vaccine (which currently does not exist) in humans.

Inovio Pharma (NASDAQ: INO) CEO J. Joseph Kim said in a phone interview with Bloomberg that it plans to start testing its DNA-based Zika vaccine in non-human primates. Currently the vaccine is being tested on lab mice, but it is able to move faster than traditional vaccine development timelines. Testing in humans is targeted for this year.

Keep in mind, Inovio in this case is releasing PR based on funding, so the testing on humans portion is deliberate and widely accepted. The vaccine doesn’t exist, no one has any idea how to cure it, but target dates on human testing are already in place. Would you like to sign up to be tested by a pharmaceutical company for a vaccine that no one has any idea if they can even create? Imagine being some of the first humans to be involved in such testing. Remember a couple of weeks back, a french pharmaceutical company injured and even killed some people by performing human testing for the sake of anti-anxiety medications.

While I don’t ever want to understate the seriousness of the Zika virus, but I do think headlines touting it as “explosive” when describing it’s spread is far reaching and fear mongering for the sake of pushing a vaccine. The WHO says “the level of alarm is extremely high.”  People are now frightened of something that is barely (31 cases as of 1-28) in the United States and isn’t yet a real legitimate threat to the people. To think a pharmaceutical company is already making a play to dangerously test a vaccine on humans is insane.

If pharmaceutical companies were looking for real solutions, I would definitely not have written this article. But that’s not the case, the pharmaceutical companies are seeing the sad state of birth defects as a position of leverage. They see it as a way to profit and create a new revenue stream. They have no qualms testing on humans. And who knows how effective their solutions will be or how many injuries these solutions will cause? Pharmaceutical companies can’t be sued, so they operate under complete immunity. They have no fear of injurious failures. Situations such as the Zika outbreak is the perfect, most comfortable place for them to exist.

*Interestingly, the Tdap vaccine which has been administered to pregnant women in Brazil, was manufactured by two pharmaceutical companies: Sanofi Pasteur of France and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) of the United Kingdom

In 2014, the Ministry of Health of Brazil announced the introduction of the Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis) vaccine for all pregnant women in that country as part of its routine vaccination program.

A year later in December 2015, the Brazilian government declared an emergency after thousands of Brazilian babies were found to be born with shrunken heads (microcephaly) and damaged brains.

Is it possible that big pharma is in the process of developing a vaccine to address a problem that may have been CAUSED by a vaccine?


Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.