UK Prison Service Caught Lying About Tommy Robinson’s Torture

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
The British mainstream media have been caught spreading fake news about Tommy Robinson's mistreatment in prison.

The British mainstream media have been caught spreading fake news about Tommy Robinson’s mistreatment at the hands of HM Prisons & Probation Service — and embarrassingly for the Prison Service, it is their own correspondence with Robinson that proves they are lying to the outside world about what really happened in Onley prison. 

Tommy Robinson refused to speak to the British media after his release from prison, citing their hostility towards him. Instead, he spoke to Tucker Carlson on Fox News and detailed his mistreatment at the hands of the UK Prison Service in HMP Onley.

Robinson told Carlson that he suffered mental torture due to being permanently housed in solitary confinement.

Mainstream media in the UK, always ready to attack Tommy Robinson, immediately launched into action and set about claiming that he was lying. Publishing reports that cited an anonymous Prisons Service spokesperson, the mainstream media announced that Robinson’s account of his time in prison was “completely untrue.”

“Mr Yaxley-Lennon was treated with the same fairness we aim to show all prisoners — he had access to visits, television, and showers — and it is totally false to say he was held in “solitary confinement.”

The anonymous spokesperson made the following claims about Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon):

  1. he was held in CSU/segregation for less than 48 hours
  2. he was treated like “any other prisoner”
  3. he was not held in solitary confinement at all

Mainstream outlets including the Sun, the Daily Mirror, and the Independent all published the anonymous Prisons Service spokesperson’s claims without question, and used them to attempt to smear Tommy Robinson’s reputation.

So who is telling the truth about what happened to Tommy Robinson in prison? Tommy Robinson himself, or the anonymous spokesperson and the British mainstream media?

Given their track record on dealing with Tommy Robinson, you will not be surprised to find out the mainstream media is lying about what happened to him in prison.

How do we know? In their hurry to push lies to the media about their mistreatment of Tommy Robinson, the UK Prison Service clearly forgot they had sent Tommy Robinson a response to his formal complaint detailing his solitary confinement conditions!


So, let’s look at the facts.

Lie Number 1

“less than 48 hours in segregation unit”

The letter acknowledges Tommy Robinson was moved to CSU/punishment block on 13 June. The letter, dated 18 June, confirms he was still being held in segregation at that date. That means Tommy Robinson had been held in segregation for at least 6 days  — far more than the “less than 48 hours” claimed by the Prison Services spokesperson and used by mainstream media to smear Robinson as a liar.

Lie Number 2

“He was treated as any other prisoner”

The letter states that Tommy Robinson would not take part in the normal prison regime and would not be allowed to mix with other prisoners. That means:

  • no exercise
  • no socialization
  • no education
  • no church
  • no work

Lie Number 3

“It was totally false to say he was in solitary confinement.”

We have established as per the letter that Tommy Robinson was in the punishment block for at least six days (with just a mat on the floor and nothing else in the cell). After Robinson raised a complaint, stating that he had done nothing wrong and did not deserve the punishment, he was to a normal wing under the following conditions:

  • his cell was locked for more than 23 hours per day
  • he was to shower in a locked cubicle in the punishment block
  • he could make one phone call in the punishment block
  • he could walk around in a small cage for 30 minutes for exercise

So who is telling the truth about what happened to Tommy Robinson in prison? Robinson was locked in his cell for over 23 hours per day, he was not allowed to mix with any other prisoners, he was forced to eat in his cell, and his only human contact was two hours of visits per month.

Questions need to be asked about this disgraceful episode in British history.

Who is the anonymous Prisons Service spokesperson? Why did they contact the mainstream media and provide them with misinformation? Why did the mainstream media run with the story, even though it was patently false?

Why are there no real journalists in the UK with big enough balls to investigate this flagrant cover up and Tommy Robinson’s mistreatment at the hands of the Prison Service?

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.