Quid Pro Quo: Obama Gave $350M Common Core Deal To Publisher, Got $65M Book Deal In Return

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Former President Obama gave a $350 million Common Core contract to Pearson and the publisher gave him a $65 million contract in 2017.

As House Democrats go through President Trump’s history with a fine tooth comb, attempting to find anything they can possibly use as leverage with the public to forcibly remove him from office, let’s turn to their own side of the aisle, starting with the once penniless President Obama, who left public office a very, very rich man.

The former community organizer just bought an upscale Martha’s Vineyard mansion for an eye-watering $11.75 million, which has been added to his collection of properties including the Kalorama lookout post, the Chicago home, and possibly a Hawaii spread. So much for “Yes we can.” More like “You just watch me.”

Obama’s huge wealth is mainly the work of his book deals. No bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors there, right?

Well, take a closer look…

According to Investment Watch (IWB), Obama’s business dealings don’t pass the smell test.

Obama gave Pearson Publishing a hugely lucrative $350 million contract to produce Common Core text books then a few years later, as soon as he left office, Pearson, under a new name, gave Obama a $65 million dollar book deal in return.

Pearson Publishing was paid for Common Core but Penguin Random House Publishing did the Obama book deal. But there is commonality with the two:

From Wikipedia:

Penguin Random House was formed on July 1, 2013, upon the completion of a £2.4 billion transaction between Bertelsmann and Pearson to merge their respective trade publishing companies, Random House and Penguin Group. Bertelsmann and Pearson, the parent companies, owning 53% and 47%, respectively.

In July 2017, Pearson agreed to sell a 22% stake in the business to Bertelsmann, thereby retaining a 25% holding.

That looks like a classic bribe. It certainly looks more like a bribe than President Trump asking his counterpart in a country rife with corruption to investigate clearly shady dealings.

You give me this big contract, and I’ll kick your share back to you at a later date. It’s called the Chicago Way. The book cash millions flowed to Obama in 2017, even though Pearson, incidentally, seemed to lose money anyway, given the public distaste for Obama’s disastrous Common Core curriculum, which extended to some states ditching the program.

President Trump saw what was happening in real time and voiced his warnings about the apparent quid pro quo last summer

It’s not the first time Obama has taken massive cash payments from companies he bestowed with benefits during his time in office.  IWB notes that Obama’s net neutrality stance benefited Netflix, and surprise, surprise, he received a very lucrative deal from the streaming platform, too.

One hand washes the other.

Book deals.  The way to get rich upon leaving public office, just as congressional insiders make themselves rich in public office by trading on insider information, as described by Peter Schweizer in Throw Them All Out.”

There are a hundred ways to Sunday for politicians to get rich both in and out of public office.  As the Democrat House now focuses on impeaching President Trump, their hypocrisy is pretty glaring.  Obama’s shady deals are what need investigating, not President Trump’s bid to halt corruption in Ukraine.

But Democrats across the country remain in thrall to Obama, completely captured by his bamboozle. As Carl Sagan wrote:

One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” 

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.