Rod Rosenstein’s Wife Exposed As Long-term Clinton Attorney

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Rod Rosenstein— the man who appointed Robert Mueller — has deep family ties to the Clintons and his wife has been exposed as a long-term Clinton and Obama attorney.

Rod Rosenstein — the man who appointed and supervises special counsel Robert Mueller — has deep family ties to the Clintons and his wife has been exposed as a long-term Clinton and Obama attorney who has worked on hundreds of cases for the Democratic establishment figures.

Lisa Barsoomian, who specializes in defending Freedom of Information suits, is based in Washington D.C. and has represented Robert Mueller three times, the FBI five times, former President Obama 45 times, former President Clinton 40 times, and Hillary Clinton 17 times.

Along with her boss, R. Craig Lawrence, she is the go-to attorney for the Democratic establishment in D.C. She has made her living defending the swamp and preventing the public from gaining access to information about the Obama administration that they are entitled to under the Freedom of Information Act.

But more importantly, she is the wife of Rod Rosenstein, the man who appointed Robert Mueller. Rosenstein supervises Mueller and has to approve all of his subpoenas, his depositions, and his indictments.

Rosenstein is supposed to be non-partisan and impartial, but in reality he has deep family and financial connections to the Clintons, Obama and the Democratic Party.

It is disgraceful that Rosenstein’s extraordinary conflict of interest has been allowed to go on without being called out by the mainstream media. The media has sat on this information and refused to publicize it.

How has it been allowed to happen? Many people wonder why the media is so anti-Trump, and so pro-Democrat and pro-Mueller in their coverage of the special investigation. The answer is that the media are the plaintiffs.

The media was in on this from the start. The whole conspiracy to frame Trump for something he didn’t do — colluding with the Russians — was kickstarted by the media.

The mainstream media are not merely reporting on the actions of the political elite — or, God forbid, speaking truth to power or holding the elite to account. As the Hillary Clinton emails proved, the media are working hand in glove with the Democratic Party establishment to push their agenda and play an active role in destroying their enemies.

The media knew the conspiracy was funded by the Clintons and the Democratic Party. They knew that the wiretaps were probably illegal. They knew that the Steele dossier was a load of baloney. But they didn’t report any of this. Why? Because they are intimately involved in the conspiracy themselves, and they are protecting deeply compromised figures like Rod Rosenstein.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.