Syria Gives UN Evidence OF Planned False Flag Chemical Attack

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

Syria has given the United Nations evidence revealing yet another terrorist plot to stage a false flag chemical attack in order to blame the Syrian government.

Damascus presented documents to the UN proving that al-Nusra Front terrorists plan to conduct a chemical weapons attack in the northwestern Syrian province of Idlib according to Syria’s UN envoy Bashar Jaafari.

The provocation would then be used as a pretext for the US and its allies to strike Syrian government forces.

Russia’s Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya has also told the Security Council that the White Helmets had transferred large quantities of toxic gas containers to Idlib, where they already had eight containers, with the intent of using them against civilians in order to justify a new strike by the US, UK and France

Press TV reports: Speaking at a UN Security Council meeting on Tuesday, Syria’s Ambassador to the UN Bashar Ja’afari said that Jabhat al-Nusra and its affiliated terrorist groups are preparing to use chemical weapons against civilians in Idlib, the last major militant stronghold that is subject to an upcoming major counter-terrorism operation by the Syrian army.

The Western states, which support terror outfits operating in Syria, would then use the chemical attack as a pretext to launch an offensive against the country, he added.

Ja’afari also stressed that any aggression against Syria would constitute an act of  aggression against regional and international peace and security, amount to supporting terrorism and undermine efforts to combat the scourge.

Certain Western states, he said, are using their “black flags and White Helmets” to stage new chemical attacks in order to obstruct the political process and justify their aggression against Syria, he said.

The Syrian envoy further called on countries capable of influencing terrorists to prevent their agents from taking any action against the Syrian people.

On April 7, an alleged chemical weapons attack hit the Damascus suburb town of Douma, just as the Syrian army was about to win the battle against the militants there.

Western states blamed the Syrian government for the incident, but Damascus firmly rejected the accusation.

One week after the suspected gas attack, the US, Britain and France launched a coordinated missile strike against sites and research facilities near Damascus and Homs with the purported goal of paralyzing the Syrian government’s capability to produce chemicals.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Ja’afari reaffirmed that Syria considers the use of chemical weapons immoral and had already had all its chemical arsenal destroyed.

He also said that Israel’s nuclear, chemical, and biological arsenal is waiting for the “blessing” of the UN Security Council.

Syria surrendered its entire chemical stockpile in 2013 to a mission led by the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the UN.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.