Ten million jobs at risk from advancing technology

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Ten million jobs at risk from advancing technology

Up to 35%  of Britain’s jobs will be eliminated by robotics technology new computing over the next 20 years, say experts

‘Ten million British jobs could be taken over by computers and robots over the next 20 years, wiping out more than one in three roles.

Low-paid, repetitive positions are most likely to go, with people earning less than £30,000 a year five times more likely to see their jobs taken over by machines than those paid £100,000, new research has warned.

Huge advances in technology risks creating an under-class of low-skilled people whose jobs have been automated, according to a joint report from Deloitte, the Big Four accountancy firm, and the University of Oxford.

The research predicts that as much as 35pc of jobs across the country will be made redundant by technical advances over the next 10 to 20 years – some 10.8m positions. According to the latest official data, 30.76m people are employed in the UK.

The study, which contains data for all of the UK but focuses on London, says the lower-paid jobs in the capital are eight times more likely to be wiped out than better paid ones.’

Read More: Ten million jobs at risk from advancing technology

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.