Tory MP’s Say Theresa May Should Step Down

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'We didn't shoot ourselves in the foot, we shot ourselves in the head!' say furious Tory MP's

Tory MP’s say that Theresa May must go after she led them to a humiliating defeat in the UK general election

The British prime minister faced calls to resign from within her own party on Friday morning after a devastating general election left her authority shattered.

There is growing anger from her own benches as Tories call for her to consider her leadership.

The Mail Online reports:

Former education secretary Nicky Morgan said the ‘buck stops at the top’ and predicted that Mrs May’s leadership could be under challenge ‘within weeks’.

While Tory MP Nigel Evans said: ‘It was an amazing own goal. We didn’t shoot ourselves in the foot, we shot ourselves in the head.’

And there are mounting calls for Mrs May’s top aides Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill to be axed after running what was widely seen as an abysmal campaign.

But Mrs May is determined to cling on to power, and will visit the Queen today to ask to form a new government despite woefully failing to secure an outright majority in the vote she tried to make all about her.

Tory MP Sarah Wollaston, who chairs the influential health select committee, laid the blame squarely at the PM’s feet and said her policies on fox hunting and the dementia tax were to blame.

And with a meeting of the influential of the influential Tory 1922 backbench committee scheduled for Tuesday, fed-up Tory MPs could be maneuvering to oust their leader.

There is growing anger from her own benches as Tories call for her to consider her leadership.

Mrs Morgan told The Guardian ‘I’m reeling. I think we’re all reeling. I think there’s real fury against the campaign and the buck stops at the top.

‘I think she should stay for now, but I think she won’t fight another election – and I think eventually, whether it takes weeks or months, we will have to look at the leadership.’

Mr Evans told BBC Radio 5Live: ‘I don’t think you can underestimate the achievement of what we’ve just managed.

‘Instead of talking about the things we thought we were going to be talking about – Brexit and the strong economy – we have ended up talking about social care, winter fuel payments, taking lunches off children and fox hunting.

‘It was an amazing own goal. We didn’t shoot ourselves in the foot, we shot ourselves in the head.’

Dr Wollaston wrote on Twitter laid the blame squarely at Mrs May’s feet in a series of posts on Twitter.

She wrote: ‘Overall I’m very concerned about consequences of a hung Parliament & what this means for the future & the crucial negotiations with the EU.

‘Fox hunting & changes to social care were turning points in how people felt bout the PM in highly personalised campaign.

‘Hope we never again have such a negative campaign. The public just don’t want US-style attack politics.

‘I cannot see how the inner circle of special advisers can continue in post. Needs to be far more inclusive in future.’

The influential 1922 Committee of Tory backbench MPs is due to meet on Tuesday, and it could be ahead of this crunch meeting that plots against the PM begin to be mounted.

Under Tory Party rules 15 per cent of Tory MPs – which translates into 48 MPs – need to write to the 1922 Committee chairman Graham Brady to trigger a no confidence vote.

Mrs May has already visited Conservative headquarters in Westminster and was said to be ‘calm’ when she addressed party staff in the early hours of the morning – but gave no hint of her own future.

The Conservative leader was condemned today by a former Tory minister and an ex-No 10 aide for running a ‘dreadful’ campaign dominated by abysmal communications and unpopular policies.



Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.