Trump: CNN ‘Blacklisted’ From White House – More Outlets To Follow

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CNN had their press passes denied at Trump's inauguration events, and the network will not be welcome at White House briefings.

Rogue fake news outlet CNN had their press pass applications denied by all Trump events at Friday’s inauguration, with a source in the transition team revealing the network will not be welcome at future White House press briefings.

Blaming CNN’s biased reporting during the election, Trump considers the media organization to be a “fake news” outlet pushing a pernicious agenda.

However CNN aren’t taking the news lying down, with sources claiming they are fighting tooth and nail behind the scenes to hold onto their White House press passes.

Let’s get this straight. The network that enabled employee Donna Brazile to funnel debate question to Hillary Clinton, and only fired her after it was revealed by WikiLeaks that she did it more than once, is actually expecting the new administration to take them seriously as a media organization?

The same network that has been exposed by leaks as having at least nine senior employees who wined and dined with Clinton’s campaign manager – at his house – with the express purpose of colluding to “frame the HRC message” and “frame the race.

This is the network expecting to be taken seriously and given access to the White House like real journalists.

Speaking of WikiLeaks, CNN is the network that did its best to discredit the whistleblowing organization by promoting the unfounded establishment propaganda about Russian links – and was caught lying to Americans about their First Amendment rights by claiming it is illegal to “possess these stolen emails” and therefore everything viewers learn about WikiLeaks publications must be “learnt through us.”

CNN is falling apart at the seams, which is nice to see given they are an establishment run propaganda channel exposed by former staff as accepting cash to air what amounts to informercials for foreign dictators.

Once upon a time, the press held government’s feet to the fire as a rule. Now it’s an occasional minor exposé just so they can hold up something that resembles legitimacy for the year. The rest of the time it’s business as usual, lying, manipulating and ingratiating themselves with the establishment – attempting to protect the moneyed elite from independent, legitimate inquiry – so they can still have access and keep that sweet establishment shill money flowing in.

CNN’s real status as the DNC establishment’s public relations arm has been exposed. Already suffering diabolic ratings, things are going to get a whole lot rockier for them from this point onwards.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.