Tucker Carlson Says Kamala Harris Is A ‘Power-Hungry Buffoon Posing As A Competent Adult’

Fact checked
Tucker Carlson

Fox News host Tucker Carlson slammed VP Kamala Harris on his show Friday night claiming that she is ‘posing as a competent adult’ when she is really ‘a joke’ 

‘Look at her, she is a joke, she can barely get through the day, she has no idea what she’s doing but you can’t say that out loud,’ he said.

Carlson’s comments came after several aides claimed that the vice president’s office was ‘abusive’.

The FNC host also demanded to know who is really in charge of America ‘if Joe Biden was not running things’ claiming Biden’s “senility” meant more power for Harris

The Mail Online reports: Carlson said ‘a tsunami’ of migrants continue to flock to the border meanwhile Harris ‘proceeds to drive women out of her own office.’

‘She takes charge of a problem she doesn’t really understand, and then she makes it worse,’ he said.  

His comments came after aides and administration officials complained of a tense atmosphere with low morale and trust, and bad communication in Harris’s office in a bombshell Politico report this week. 

‘In one of her first official acts as vice president back in February, Kamala Harris decided to declare what she called a national emergency,’ said Carlson.  

‘This new national emergency, Kamala Harris informed us is “The mass exodus of women from the workplace.”‘ 

‘Kamala Harris sounded the alarm,’ he said. 

‘Our female workforce emergency, she wrote, demands a national solution.’

Carlson said the issue has not been solved, mocking that ‘there are women, even now, who have chosen to skip the HR department’s latest zoom call and workplace diversity initiatives and are instead reading their children a bedtime story.’

Five months later we are sad to tell you that that crisis is still ongoing,’ he said.

Carlson claimed that Harris ‘hasn’t done a lot to help’, pointing to the apparent inner turmoil within her own office. 

‘There is now a mass exodus of women from her office,’ he said.

‘The toxic masculinity is coming from inside the house.’

He added: ‘It’s not a place where people feel supported but a place where people feel they are treated like cr*p.’

Carlson pointed to the claims of a dysfunctional workplace, staff resignations and tensions between the West Wing and her team that surfaced this week. 

Aides described an environment where they were treated ‘like s***’ saying tensions reached breaking point last week when the vice president finally decided to visit the border. 

The decision blindsided officials tasked with arranging travel and others outside her office responsible for messaging across the administration, according to Politico.

The outlet cited 22 officials, former officials, aides and associates of President Biden and Harris who described low morale, a tense atmosphere, porous lines of communication and diminished trust. 

Harris’s Chief of Staff Tina Flournoy especially came under fire with one source saying ‘people are thrown under the bus from the very top.’

The White House pushed back on the claims, with Biden’s Senior Adviser Cedric Richmond calling it ‘a whisper campaign designed to sabotage [Harris].’ 


  1. Shes weird and looks like she’s been drugged or is a crack head Shes like a grubby little street tart dressed up to look like something she isn’t

    • She is a crack head Shes always sweating even sweaty hands and that cackling uncontrollably isnt normal ,except for crack heads Crack is wack and shes whacked.

  2. What Tucker says about Kamala Harris is irrelevant if he doesn’t speak to the elephant in the room: Kamala is not a natural born citizen, and therefore was ineligible to be VP let alone President when the walking death rattle is thrown into the Soylent Green pile. Many countries have a “natural born citizen” clause, because a person cannot serve two masters.

    When the beginning should have never happened, the minutia of anything that is created by it is irrelevant. Tucker Carlson has always been a bowtie wearing (signal for rainbow puff, don’t say being married makes him straight), on CNN, to now on FOX News which is managed by controlled opposition Rupert Murdoch kids.

    Tucker Carlson by his own statements says he was born in the beltway, educated in the beltway and now you think he’s not a tool for the beltway. A little naive, ffs.

    • Shazam, you’re absolutely right, and I agree 100%. Indeed, what Tucker says about the Kamal is irrelevant if he doesn’t speak to the elephant in the room. You’re absolutely right in stating that the Kamal isn’t a natural born US citizen (Her parents weren’t yet naturalized when the Kamal was born); and therefore was ineligible to be VP let alone POTUS when the walking death rattle is tossed into the Soylent Green pile. Yes, a lot of countries have a “natural born citizen” clause, because a person cannot serve two masters.

  3. Willie Brown, Harris’ “mentor” said that Harris “…will do or say anything for power.” He knows her better than anyone else.

  4. Kamala Harris a power hungry buffoon, a child acting as an adult?? Tucker Carlson has a marked talent for understatement. lol

  5. The true thing about animals are that they don’t allow one of their stupid fellow to become a leader, BUT somehow American did.

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